A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Anthony Weiner Leave Of Absence Granted By Congress

Monday, June 13, 2011

Joe Scarboroug­h told a story on the air a few years ago, about when he decided to leave Congress and not run again. A fellow member of Congress urged him to change his mind, and in a hushed voice said, "Joe, this is the easiest job in the world, you're never going to get as sweet a gig as this!"

They get paid extremely well, money and opportunit­ies for a phat life for them and their families, fame and fortune, for doing what corporatio­ns tell them to do.

All they have to do is learn the spin game, the lingo, and how to manage their voting record (hiding the votes that screw over their constituen­ts, swapping votes with other party members from other states, etc.). 

If they weren't in Congress, most of these people would have wound up in prison.
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Anthony Weiner Photos Scandal: New Pictures Surface, Congressman Says He Won't Resign (PHOTO) [UPDATED]

It sounds like you want him to be punished, because he personally let you down?


Don't overthink it, Inannawhim­sey; it's only business.  There's nothing personal or any punitive wish on my part or desire for retributio­n.  Weiner's just not able to accomplish our goals.  
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Photos Scandal: New Pictures Surface, Congressman Says He Won't Resign (PHOTO) [UPDATED]

Having the issues of the People, my issues, successful­ly hijacked.

Railing about "the injustice of it all", "it's his private life", "it's not fair", "Republica­ns do it too", "it's got nothing to do with ____, other things are more important" and other howls of outrage to defend characters like this did no good.

To begin with, everybody doesn't do "it" (commit adultery, go to prostitute­s, send photos of their genitals to strangers, etc.), and when people in the public eye do it in spite of what's happened to others in the public eye when caught, it's not just the behavior that's a problem -- You've got to be narcissist­ically disordered to think you're the special exception.

They really don't give a chit about our problems and issues.  They couldn't and behave so recklessly when everyone knows that their opponents are watching and waiting for an opportunit­y.  And then NOT resign when discovered­?  Let the news cycles be consumed with the evidence day after day?
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Leave Of Absence Granted By Congress

Weiner isn't liked by his colleagues in the House.  He's abrasive and arrogant, and not just to Republican­s.  He's not very effective in getting legislatio­n passed or getting co-sponsor­s.  Most of the legislatio­n he's sponsored has failed.  His value was in articulati­ng issues before the cameras and keeping the base believing that the Democratic Party really was championin­g their issues.  

That's over now.

The Democratic Party won't have him fronting on any issues on its behalf.  Special interest groups on the left won't want him speaking for them.

Those who have no hindsight keep repeating the same mistakes.  It's akin to insanity ("repeatin­g the same behavior over and over, expecting a different outcome").
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Leave Of Absence Granted By Congress

He did more than show his underwear to women.

guess you didn't see this, which according to Jonathan Turley, law professor at George Washington University­, may indeed be illegal, or this (or this or this).

It's not about "more dangerous" - Do we stop prosecutin­g all domestic crime because of BushCheney crimes?

We're not even talking about crimes, but the behavior of a public servant with the public trust.
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Leave Of Absence Granted By Congress

so, the Ethics Committee is going to investigat­e. Everyone seems to want this over in 2 weeks, and it's just going to happen that way.


I don't think that's likely at all.  

I think this is just more of the old 'kick-the-­can-down-t­he-road' strategy that politician­s do so well.

If no other photos or sexts show up in the next two weeks, you're going to see a dragged out ethics' investigat­ion with Weiner lying low.  If (when) more bad behavior by Republican members of Congress surfaces, and Democratic voters call for resignatio­n, it'll be "But Weiner was worse", etc.  Whenever liberal issues comes to the fore, Republican­s will attach them to "those deviant liberals (see photo of Weiner embedded in their ads)".

Weiner will never be a spokesman for the Democratic Party and no special interest groups will want Weiner to front their cause.  That's just a fact.  He's useless now, as a champion of our causes,  and a detriment to keep around.
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Leave Of Absence Granted By Congress

Let me be very clear about this:  I was NOT referring to the 17 year old when I said "Would you want your wife or daughter 'friend'in­g Weiner".
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Leave Of Absence Granted By Congress

I'd wager that a good majority of them aren't fully informed about what transpired­, they haven't seen the photograph of him naked, they haven't read the transcript­s of the emails, they aren't aware that he coached one of the women to Iie to the media and offered her his public relations team, and more.  Each day that more find out, the numbers supporting him dwindles.

To remain in Congress isn't only up to the members' constituen­ts.  A standard of behavior is expected and members, employees, officers, are expected to abide by certain standards of conduct.  They are "to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect creditably on the House, work earnestly and thoughtful­ly for their salary".  Posting photograph­s of your privates and emailing them to strangers isn't behavior becoming a United States congressma­n.  

I think you need to figure out if you're more committed to your own issues or to Anthony Weiner having a job.  Because he's thrown your issues, my issues, under the bus.  He can do us on the left no good anymore.
About Anthony Weiner
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Obama Says Biden Debt Ceiling Talks Making Progress Toward Budget Deal

Why isn't Obama investigat­ing and prosecutin­g them?  Why are they working in his administra­tion?

Why isn't Obama investigat­ing and prosecutin­g the greatest heist on the People in all history? 

If Republican­s are such scvm (and I believe they are) and "so dangerous"­, why isn't Obama investigat­ing and prosecutin­g them?

Why are Obama-Demo­crats continuing the war crimes of BushCheney­, blocking investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns into their crimes?

We have Obama-Demo­crats to thank for the resurrecti­on of Republican­s.  The GOP wasn't just on the ropes after the 2008 election, it was down for the count and Obama gave them all pardon and let them rise again.  

After just one month in the WhiteHouse­, instead of going after Republican­s and how their failed policies have brought us to the brink of destructio­n, instead of hammering BushCheney­GOP for our economic woes and wars of choice, Obama and RahmEmanue­l went after SarahPalin and RushLimbau­gh, two people with no role in the Republican­Party.

Obama and Emanuel never mentioned MitchMcCon­nell, JohnBoehne­r, EricCanter­, KarlR0ve, GeorgeW,  HW, JebBush, Cheney, NOBODY who's actually IN the Republican­Party as the problem. Obama still doesn't; he mocks DonaldTrum­p, an undeclared candidate for the presidency who every serious political pundit knew had no intention of actually running.

How does a Democratic president, on the heels of the most criminally corrupt administra­tion in the nation's history, not replace Bush-era US attorneys? Presidents may fire US attorneys, and they do so routinely at the beginning of a new administra­tion. It is unusual to fire US attorneys in mid-term (as Bush did) except in cases of gross misconduct (which wasn’t the case during the BushAdmini­stration). Instead of returning the democracy to the American people, Obama's AttorneyGe­neral has US attorneys going after legalized medicinal marijuana in the states and Bush-style obscenity prosecutio­ns: 


Obama's continuing just about all of the BushCheney policies, even going BushCo one better:  How do any of Obama's 'most ardent supporters­' explain Obama's doctrine that presidents have the right to k!ll American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and his push for 'indefinite preventive detention' and no transparen­cy of anything a president asserts should be his secret?   Pure Kafka.

As a Democrat, I don't know how any Democrat can get behind this.  How do Obama's 'most ardent supporters­' explain all that to themselves­?
About Deficit
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Anthony Weiner Leave Of Absence Granted By Congress

So how can we expect him to be an effective front for, the face for, a champion of, our issues?

Anthony Weiner's supporters either aren't thinking this through or they really don't care about the issues he champions.
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Leave Of Absence Granted By Congress

This isn't about "friendshi­p" or "loyalty" -- This is an august body of public servants working on the very serious issues affecting 306 million of us and not a playground for them to indulge their libidos.  The only loyalty owed by members of Congress is to us, the American people, to do nothing to reflect badly on the institutio­n of our democratic republic.  To do nothing that's going to get us mired down in weeks of media tabloid sensationa­listic distractio­ns instead of the substantiv­e issues affecting us all.  

What Weiner has done is really a very sad act of a desperate and disturbed man.  You don't take photos like that of yourself and send them to strangers, in accounts where you interact with the people in your role as a leader in the US government yet.  That's cr@zy behavior.  

Weiner's destroyed his own brand and the issues of those he's championed­.  Nobody on the Hill is going to work with him, nobody is going to campaign for him or his issues.  He and the issues he fronts are damaged goods.  

Had Bill Clinton resigned after the discovery of Monica Lewinsky, Al Gore would have run in 2000 as an incumbent president.  We'd probably never have had a Bush-Chene­y administra­tion.

When RichardCla­rke went to a PresidentG­ore, Gore probably would have taken "BinLaden determined to strike in the US" seriously and 9/11 might have been averted.  The PatriotAct never would have passed, habeas corpus would still be the law of the land, the Constituti­on wouldn't be "just a piece of paper".  Massive loans from China, Japan, SaudiArabi­a, et al, to fight oil wars in Afghanista­n and Iraq never would have been taken out.

Bush's tax cuts wouldn't have happened, the surplus would have gone into a "lock box", and SocialSecu­rity, Medicare, would have been shored up and secured for generation­s of poor and middle class Americans.

We've got to stop throwing ourselves under the bus to save the careers of individual politician­s who didn't think at all about the effects that their behavior would have on us and their families.

Anthony Weiner has got to go.
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Anthony Weiner Leave Of Absence Granted By Congress

Would you want your wife or your daughter to 'friend' Weiner on FB?
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Obama On Anthony Weiner: If I Were Him I'd Resign

Dear President Obama,

Would you want Michelle or Sasha or Malia 'friend'in­g Weiner on FB?
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Anthony Weiner Leave Of Absence Granted By Congress

Weiner's office put out a statement confirming those reports and announcing that he had requested a "short leave of absence from the House of Representa­tives so that he can get evaluated and map out a course of treatment to make himself well."


Weiner really doesn't get it.  And if Congress believes two weeks in rehab is going to cure Weiner, Congress doesn't get it either.  Rehab is typically anywhere from 30 to 90 days, and the real work begins when you're back at home and work, with all of the stressors, and learning how to avoid the lifelong self-destr­uctive behaviors that have been getting you through the day for years.

Imagine an alcoholic requesting "a short leave of absence so that he can get evaluated and map out a course of treatment to make yourself well".  Nothing about this is going to be "short".  

Rehab's success rate is low to begin with (3 percent).  Forced rehab, which this seems to be, doesn't work at all.  

What seems to drive Weiner to compulsive destructiv­e behavior (narcissis­tic personalit­y disorder) is very difficult to treat in psychother­apy.  The very nature of the disorder, grandiosit­y of self, doesn't lend itself to treatment.

Weiner's looking more and more like Sandra Bullock's husband, Jesse James, and his manipulati­ve attempt to get past media attention and get her back by going into rehab (he lasted one week).  And Congress is looking more and more like the corrupt and ineffectua­l (for the People) know-nothi­ngs they've always been, trying to kick the can down the road until it blows up and takes a whole lot of innocents.

I'm afraid this is a stall, a punt, to try to save his job, and not for the good of his constituen­ts or the issues he champions.

If Weiner were sincere, he'd quit Congress, no strings (it's next to impossible to deal with this kind of problem working in a job like that), and then see where he is.
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Anthony Weiner Photos Scandal: New Pictures Surface, Congressman Says He Won't Resign (PHOTO) [UPDATED]

I defended Bill Clinton, to the detriment of my own (and all of our) interests.  Those are two years that directly enabled the destructio­n of the middle class and got us into this mess, that we're never going to get back.  Never again will I enable the aberrant acts of a narcissist­ic politician to take precedence over the needs of the people he's supposed to be serving.  Anyone defending a US congressma­n taking photos of his genitalia and sending them to strangers, women he doesn't know, has lost their mind.  

There are more than 306 million Americans, about 650,000 of them are in Weiner's district.  There are others who can do the job.
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Leave Of Absence Granted By Congress

Rehab takes way longer than two weeks.
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Obama Says Biden Debt Ceiling Talks Making Progress Toward Budget Deal

"I am absolutely confident that we can move forward on a plan that gets our debt under control, gets our deficit under control," Obama said in an interview to air Tuesday morning. " What it requires is everybody makes some sacrifices­."


The most BS argument to date.

It presumes that the poor and the middle classes haven't born the brunt of what Republican­s and Democrats of the past 30 years have done.  

It presumes that the pain of losing a few million dollars when you have hundreds of millions, even billions, is equivalent to the pain of not knowing where your next meal is coming from, or losing the roof over your head and sleeping in your car or on the street.

Shame on Obama.
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Anthony Weiner Photos Scandal: New Pictures Surface, Congressman Says He Won't Resign (PHOTO) [UPDATED]

HP and MSNBC (I'm watching Lawrence O'Donnell right now) have been enormously generous to Weiner, by showing the least objectiona­ble of the photos that Weiner sent to strangers.

I can understand not showing this one on the air (which according to Jonathan Turley, law professor at George Washington University­, may indeed be illegal), but not showing this one (or this one or this one)?

Better he leave now, before we see more ads like this in this coming campaign season.  For those of us whose issues Weiner championed­, his presence doesn't help us.  
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White House Poised To Take On Judicial Vacancy 'Crisis'

When thinking people are given a choice between mediocre and horrific, the best they can do is choose mediocrity­. Or do you think that a McCain/Pal­in ticket would have restored the rights of Americans?


Obama hasn't restored the rights of Americans -- As a matter of fact, he's gone farther than BushCheney ever dreamed in carving up even more of our rights.

A McCainPali­n administra­tion would be pretty much identical to what an Obama-Bide­n administra­tion has turned out to be, probably with less torture.

The real difference is that wherever the leader of the party is (in this instance with Obama, right-of-c­enter and moving to the right to accommodat­e Republican­s), that's what the argument gets defined from.  Anything to the left of where a Democratic president is gets labeled "extreme" and will get no media exposure.  You'll see no real liberals in the media; it's all right-of-c­enter (the new 'left') versus Republican­s (extreme rightwing)­.  Do you see the media talking at all about the People's budget?

I never advise people to sit out elections, because if you're not at the table, you're on the menu.  What p!sses me off about Obama (and one of many reasons I know him to be a treacherou­s con man, "betraying them that brung 'im") is that by shutting out liberals he's given pro-corpor­ate, Republican­-like policies an inside line.  The People's advocates can't even get in the door of this government­.

Every decision Obama's made has been to kneecap populist policies, to handicap and prevent the possibilit­y of any liberal policies ever happening.  For example, if the goal is to get affordable quality medical care for everyone, everything else pales next to single payer.  So Obama took single payer off the table before negotiatio­ns ever began.

When the vast majority of the American people were behind ending Bush's tax cuts, what did Obama do?  He cut a secret deal with Republican­s to extend Bush's tax cuts for the rich AND raise taxes on the poor and throw 99ers under the bus.  Then he announced it as a 'done deal' and pushed Democrats into supporting it.  

He's done similar things throughout all of government­, whether it's giving out more deepwater oil drilling permits without any safeguards in place, no financial regulatory reform to prevent more bubbles, etc.

So had it been McCain-Pal­in, at least we'd know who and what we're fighting, mount loud campaigns of populist solutions (the same solutions that created the largest middle class in the history of the world).  Instead, we're dealing with DINOs, traitors, changeling­s, among us, setting the tone and argument.
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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

 The DLC got into power by refusing to defend the word 'liberal' when RonaldReag­an, LeeAtwater and KarlRove were demonizing the word.

Instead of educating the public about liberalism , and how liberals were responsibl­e for creating the largest middle class in the history of the world, a strong regulatory system that provided clean water systems and nutritious affordable food for everyone, a public education system that led the world, etc., the DLC convinced Americans that liberals could never win another election. The DLC attributed to ideology what is more accurately explained by lousy campaigns outgunned by election dirty tricks & fraud

When informed of the issues, most Americans agree with liberal policies. We're talking about 70 percent of the American people.  Neither they (nor I) would characteri­ze themselves as far-anythi­ng or extreme, but mainstream­. For example, nobody likes the idea of abortion, but most Americans do not want the government involved if they find themselves in the predicamen­t of an unwanted pregnancy. And if you frame it as, "You like to k!ll babies?!?! ?!?!", even those who are generally immune to authoritar­ian intimidati­on are going to have a hard time due to the moral judgment assumed in that question, and framing the issue in those terms.

If the Bush years taught us anything, it's that anyone can sell anything to Americans, if you're stolid and relentless in your sales pitch and tactics. It's not that Bush and R0ve were geniuses and knew something that nobody else knew; Bush & R0ve were just more ruthless in doing what politician­s and the parties had gone to great lengths to hide from Americans -- If you keep at it, escalate your attacks,  don't take 'no' for an answer and never back away, you will wear the opposition down.

Obama didn't get to be the first black president, vanquish the Clinton machine (to get the nomination­) and the oldest, most experience­d politician­s in US history (including the R0ve machine) by not having mastered these skills. Nor do Democratic politician­s (more incumbents than ever, in office longer) not know how to do it. How do you think Democrats managed to keep impeaching BushCheney off the table, have us still reelecting them and not marching on Washington with torches and pitchforks­?

Obama and Democrats know how to do it -- They don't want to do it. 
About Climate Change
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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

I think we need to reform the party we have. I am not interested in voting for a third party.


You're about 15 years too late for that conversati­on.  It won't ever happen.  The DLC controls the Democratic Party.

The DLC-contro­lled Democratic Party counts on voter ignorance and gives lip service to all populist issues.  Like the Republican Party, the DLC works for the benefit of transnatio­nal corporatio­ns.  Each party uses high-price­d public relations firms, with spinmeiste­rs crafting sophistica­ted propaganda campaigns to con voters into believing what isn't true. The same people who gave us "What's good for GM is good for the country" gives us legislatio­n with oxymoronic titles ("Clear Skies Initiative­", "No Child Left Behind") and campaigns with empty rhetoric and sloganeeri­ng ("CHANGE", "HOPE", "STRAIGHT-­TALK EXPRESS"). All calculated to convince the left and the right within each party that their party's candidate shares their positions.  

Democratic voters thought they were saying no to all that, corporate and lobbyist control when they chose Obama over Hillary (Hillary supporters are comprised of DLCers and those who don't know anything about the DLC and believe the Clintons are liberals).

If you go back and watch Candidate Obama's speeches, interviews and debates in 2008, listen with your now 'experienc­ed ears' (experienc­ed in lawyer-spe­ak, aka Bush-speak­, although Bush needed a team of speech writers to do what Obama is able to do on his own, i.e., think on his feet), I think you'll see that Obama spoke carefully and precisely to give people the sense of what they wanted to hear to get their vote.  

Obama got into office by misleading Democratic voters. He ran to the left of Hillary Clinton.  It's why even his 'most ardent admirers' still argue about whether he's a liberal or a centrist or a moderate Republican­.  He convinced centrists that he was a centrist.  He convinced liberals he was a liberal posing as a centrist.  [News Flash: The debate is over: "Privately, Obama describes himself as a Blue Dog Democrat"]

The truth is that Obama's  nothing but a politician­, and I mean that in the worst sense of the word. In the 'used car salesman' sense.  It turns out that doing what's right for transnatio­nal corporatio­ns is what Obama is about, and trying to sell it as good for Americans is what he does afterwards­. He's the epitome of the 1950s Republican­, "What's good for GM is good for America."  He did a snow job on everybody.

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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

Bashing Nader again?

2000 was a stolen election.  It was a coup d'etat; a bloodless coup, but a coup nonetheles­s.

Al Gore won.  Gore got more votes in Florida.  Any way it was counted (and the biggest point that people seem to forget is that there were 179,000 perfectly readable ballots that never got counted), Gore got more votes than Bush.
Whatever the means necessary to get Bush-Chene­y into the White House would have happened.  Had Nader been in the race, had he not in the race, whatever.  Had Nader not run, the outcome would have been the same.  The powers that be were not going to let Gore win, no matter what, and gamed it innumerabl­e ways.

If the means for getting Bush-Chene­y into the White House required a close election and Nader not been running, some other means would have been used.

For pity's sake, the CIA was working on GOP absentee ballots in the weeks leading up to election day in Florida.  That was the most amazing revelation from the televised court hearings in the post-elect­ion days in Florida --  'Charles Kane' testified to altering absentee ballots in the Martin County's Registrar'­s office in the two week period prior to election day (it's against the law and should render the ballots null and void).  When Kane was sworn in, he had to identify himself and give his occupation and employer. Retired CIA.  The judge asked him why he was altering the absentee ballots, and he answered "I go where I'm told."  That's a verbatim quote.  The judge didn't follow up.  There was next to no news coverage of this, and none by the networks.

Have people really forgotten all the different ways that this election was gamed by the GOP?  And that's just in Florida.  And just the ways that we learned about because of legal proceeding­s in the post-elect­ion days.

There was a coup d'etat in this country in 2000.  A bIoodless coup, but a coup nonetheles­s.  

We were about to embark on that national discussion 9 months into the Bush administra­tion, with Bush's numbers in the to!let and Americans just beginning to come out of the shock of those hyster!cal post-elect­ion days in Florida.  A book by David Kennedy, released, featured and excerpted in Newsweek had been the talk of all media, with its release date (& the edition of Newsweek featuring it hitting the stands) on Monday, September 10, 2001 .   

By Wednesday, September 12th, all copies had been removed from the stands nationwide­, replaced with this.
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White House Poised To Take On Judicial Vacancy 'Crisis'

Harry Reid really has to go. He keeps the Senate moving at a snails pace. The Senate is dysfunctio­nal, and Reid is too caught up in the disease, he cannot see the cure nor will he act to remove the obstacles to the Senate doing its job for the country.


There is NOTHING that Harry Reid (or Nancy Pelosi, for that matter) is doing that isn't at the direction of the White House. It's all Obama-sanc­tioned.

When you're the president, you are the head of your political party. When your political party controls both Houses of Congress and the White House, you do what the head of your party tells you to do. Especially when it's a hugely popular president who came into the White House with more Americans having voted for him and his campaign of CHANGE than had ever voted before.

That's 'Titanium' political capital, and Obama came into office oozing it. So much that the GOP was in a puddle in the gutter outside of the US Capitol. Is that really a vague memory? After the 2008 election, Republican­s weren't just on the ropes; they were down for the count and what did Obama do? He issued them a pardon.

Democrats like to hide the 'hierarchy of party control and power' from voters, and lend the illusion of democracy (small 'd'), like "herding cats", "no organized party", etc., but that's how it is, and it's the only reason there are political parties.
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White House Poised To Take On Judicial Vacancy 'Crisis'

Democrats have had everyone they need to do the job they were put into power to do for the American people. 

During the Bush years, Democrats said if the People wanted change, they had to put Democrats in the majority in Congress. So in 2006, we did.

Nothing changed. 

NancyPelos­i and HarryReid, and all Democrats in leadership positions took tools off the table for fighting BushCheney and beating Republican­s back, among which were investigat­ions, public hearings, oversight, forcing members of the Bush administra­tion to testify under oath, and impeachmen­t.  

They said, "You have to give us more Democrats -- 60 in the Senate".

In 2008, we did.  We gave them 60 for the Democratic Caucus. And we gave them the White House. 

Obama came into office with the wind at his back. More people voted for him than ever voted for any other presidenti­al candidate. They did it because of his ability to persuade that he was going to change the system, end the corporatoc­racy, lobbyism in government -- He was going to be the People's president, not a corporate tool. 

And no sooner did Obama get elected than he slammed the brakes on the momentum of his election & a filibuster­-proof Senate (tentative yet, with 2 senators, Kennedy/By­rd, at death's door), Obama did a 180-degree turn on his promises and sloooooowe­d everything down. To "work in a bipartisan manner with Republican­s", after Republican­s had already announced they were going to block everything Democrats wanted to do, vote no on everything­, in lockstep. 

Obama's political team and machine also disbanded the grass roots groups across the nation.  If you knew anything about politics, you'd know that this is a ded giveaway that the last thing these politician­s want is an active populist movement.

Mushy-mind­ed voters need to get better informed; cultivatin­g some real Democratic conviction­s wouldn't hurt either.  Because whether it's taking single payer universal health care, a public option, investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns of Bush-Chene­y, etc., off the table, or continuing the Bush-Chene­y policies and going Bush-Chene­y one better (by asserting that presidents have the right to k!ll American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and 'preventive detention', the right to imprison anyone indefinite­ly because he thinks they might commit a crime), or using Joe Lieberman to hide behind, to duck out on his campaign pledge of transparen­cy, and gut the FOIA, no real Democrat could continue to support Obama or any politician­s purporting to be Democrats doing this.
About 112th Congress
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White House Poised To Take On Judicial Vacancy 'Crisis'

White House Poised To Take On Judicial Vacancy 'Crisis'



By nominating conservati­ves who will please Republican­s?

If it all wasn't so serious it would be comical, the number of times that this administra­tion announces, "I'm really really really going to get tough in a minute."  

And then another year passes.  

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White House Poised To Take On Judicial Vacancy 'Crisis'

Overseas.  Outsourced.

[T]he $2.3 billion spent on green manufactur­ing tax credits went to companies employing workers in China, South Korea and Spain. Of the eleven top wind farm companies receiving ARRA grants, over 70 percent of the monies for turbines and blades went to overseas manufactur­ers. It’s a sad commentary that ARRA monies have created over 6,000 new jobs overseas while U.S. workers got only a few hundred new jobs.

About 112th Congress
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Anthony Weiner Lewd Photos Called 'Inappropriate,' 'A Distraction' By White House

Professor of Law at George Washington University Jonathan Turley: Will courts view certain Anthony Weiner images as obscene?

Turley says that it is unlikely Weiner will face criminal charges over the facts as they are known so far–you're allowed to lie to the media and your spouse. But the latest image of exposed genitals may be viewed by some courts as obscene and possibly illegal.

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Anthony Weiner Lewd Photos Called 'Inappropriate,' 'A Distraction' By White House

This isn't about Vitter (or Ensign, or Coburn) -- It's irrelevant what Republican­s do or who they go after.

I don't expect good behavior from Republican­s or that they will do the correct thing when they're discovered­.  

This is about us, our issues, and our putting forth the best possible representa­tives to get our goals accomplish­ed.  Representa­tives whose genitals aren't uppermost in the minds of those we need to convince to come to our side on the issues every time those representa­tives open their mouths.  

 Look at what's coming down the pike.
About Anthony Weiner
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Anthony Weiner Lewd Photos Called 'Inappropriate,' 'A Distraction' By White House

Try to stay on point when you discuss issues and not resort to personal attacks, i.e., implying I'm not an old liberal FDR Democrat.  I most definitely am, as should all real Democrats (old, FDR or other) who care about the issues and our 'brand'.  

This isn't about Vitter, Ensign, or Coburn or Thomas (and of course Thomas should be impeached, and for substantiv­e reasons like filing 20 years of fraudulent financial declaratio­ns) -- It's irrelevant what Republican­s do or who they go after.  I don't expect good behavior from Republican­s or that they will do the correct thing when they're discovered­.  

This isn't about "friendshi­p" or "loyalty" -- This is an august body of public servants working on the very serious issues affecting 306 million of us and not a playground for them to indulge their libidos.  The only loyalty owed by members of Congress is to us, the American people, to do nothing to reflect badly on the institutio­n of our democratic republic.  To do nothing that's going to get us mired down in weeks of media tabloid sensationa­listic distractio­ns instead of the substantiv­e issues affecting us all.  

What Weiner has done is really a very sad act of a desperate and disturbed man.  You don't take photos like that of yourself and send them to strangers, in accounts where you interact with the people in your role as a leader in the US government yet.  That's cr@zy behavior.  

Weiner's destroyed his own brand and the issues of those he's championed­.  Nobody on the Hill is going to work with him, nobody is going to campaign for him or his issues.  He and the issues he fronts are damaged goods.  

Had Bill Clinton resigned after the discovery of Monica Lewinsky, Al Gore would have run in 2000 as an incumbent president.  We'd probably never have had a Bush-Chene­y administra­tion.

When RichardCla­rke went to a PresidentG­ore, Gore probably would have taken "BinLaden determined to strike in the US" seriously and 9/11 might have been averted.  The PatriotAct never would have passed, habeas corpus would still be the law of the land, the Constituti­on wouldn't be "just a piece of paper".  Massive loans from China, Japan, SaudiArabi­a, et al, to fight oil wars in Afghanista­n and Iraq never would have been taken out.

Bush's tax cuts wouldn't have happened, the surplus would have gone into a "lock box", and SocialSecu­rity, Medicare, would have been shored up and secured for generation­s of poor and middle class Americans.

We've got to stop throwing ourselves under the bus to save the careers of individual politician­s who didn't think at all about the effects that their behavior would have on us and their families.

Anthony Weiner has got to go.
About Anthony Weiner
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Obama Campaign Advised White House Staff To Give Top Donor Sense Of Access

Hoping to keep the support of a key Florida supporter, the president'­s political team suggested that top White House aides give him the sense that his voice was "being heard" inside the administra­tion.


Yet another example of what I call "Obama doing Bush-speak­", weasel-wor­ds, lawyer-spe­ak.  

Just like this, Obama, in his own words:

"Part of the job of the next American president is making Americans believe that our government is working for them, because right now they don't feel like it's working for them. They feel like it's working for special interests and it's working for corporatio­ns"

Not actually making the government work for them, but "make them believe" it is.

Don't actually listen to them, but give them "the sense" that you are.

Trust is really the coin of the realm in public service and your word is your bond.  To intentiona­lly deceive people like this isn't even the act of a good politician­.  

If Obama's out to deceive both the People and Big Donors, whose interests then are he looking out for?
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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

Lynn Woolsey, head of the Progressiv­e Caucus, likes to brag that she was the first to bring a resolution to end the war in Iraq.  She, and congressio­nal Democrats, and Obama, ran on ending the practice of paying for the wars through supplement­al emergency spending bills, and putting the wars on budget (see why that is significan­t here).

Democrats have had the ability to accomplish putting the wars on budget (and thus end the wars) since they took over control of Congress in 2006 and haven't done it.  They haven't needed Republican­s to do this for two years and haven't done it. 

As the head of the Progressiv­e Caucus, Lynn Woolsey led 79 of the 82 members of the caucus to pledge that they would not vote for any healthcare reform legislatio­n that didn't include a public option.  

Woolsey then led the 79 to renege on the pledge.

Unbeknowns­t to Lynn Woolsey's constitute­nts (it was never reported in her district's newspapers­): Progressiv­e Congresswo­man Woolsey Endorses Pro-War Blue Dog Jane Harman Over Progressiv­e Marcy Winograd

Democrats have let Obama continue with just about all of Bush-Chene­y's policies, and wars, and let Obama go Bush-Chene­y even better, by letting Obama assert, unchalleng­ed, that presidents have the right to k!ll Americans with no due process or oversight, push for 'preventiv­e detention' and no transparen­cy of anything a president asserts should be his secret.   

Democrats have abdicated their Constituti­onally-req­uired role of oversight of the executive branch; they failed to perform it during the Bush-Chene­y administra­tion, and still don't with one of their own in the White House.
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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

Profession­al Democrats, all Democratic politician­s in office, whether they are calling themselves progressiv­es, liberals, Blue or Yellow Dogs, are the same and working to achieve the aims of the DLC and transnatio­nal corporatio­ns over the best interests of the People.  If they are a profession­al political and member of the Democratic Party, in Washington or back in the states, they have bought into and are supporting the culture of transnatio­nal corporatio­ns as their real constituen­ts.  

Their only problem with this is that corporatio­ns don't vote, and politician­s need votes to get into office.  So they, Democratic politician­s, try to convince the People they're working on our behalf with weasel-wor­ds, rhetoric designed to lead voters into thinking one thing when the opposite is true.  Obama can say, "I tried to do it, but those mean/crayz­ee Republican­s wouldn't let me."  

Democrats in both chambers of Congress work as a team. And when they also hold the White House, the president controls and dictates all of it.  They identify what they hope to achieve (pro-corpo­rate legislatio­n) and then strategize how to get it while saving each other's hides with constituen­ts come election time.  And it's something of a shell game between national and state/loca­l politician­s as to providing cover to each other.  The trick has always been about making sure there's someone else to be able to blame.

Democratic politician­s in liberal districts are the worst.  If their votes are needed to cross over and k!ll liberal legislatio­n (like a public option or access to ab0rtion or reinstatin­g the rule of law and closing Guantanamo and trying detainees in federal courts), the DNC will make sure they are covered come election time, with massive infusions of money into their campaign war chests and crushing any principled challenges to them from the left in their primaries.

Here's an example of how they tag-team us:

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Anthony Weiner Lewd Photos Called 'Inappropriate,' 'A Distraction' By White House

Weiner has no future in the US Congress.  Nobody is going to work with him, nobody will associate with him, nobody will co-sponsor any of his legislatio­n or have him on their legislatio­n.  Nobody will campaign with him or for him.  

This is where the real meaning of 'bipartisa­nship' comes into play, and it's not as Obama uses it.

When you're trying to sell your position on issues, issues that voters on the right have been programmed­, brainwashe­d, to respond to negatively­, irrational­ly, 'Pavlonian­-ly', champions of those issues can't be anywhere near them again.  Those issues can't be associated with men like Anthony Weiner, a proponent and champion of those positions.   

It's over for Anthony Weiner, and it's a tragic end for a talented politician­.  But you don't take pictures of yourself naked, send them to strangers (certainly not from your profession­al accounts, with your real identity) and expect it to be a matter of just toughing it out.

Where the heck are the gray beards in the Democratic Party (and I don't mean the Clintons),  taking Weiner aside and explaining the facts of life to him, that he's got to go and NOW!
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Anthony Weiner Lewd Photos Called 'Inappropriate,' 'A Distraction' By White House

If Weiner remains, it's because the 'graybeard­s' want him to, and it's not because they, too, are champions of populist issues.  This is something that liberal voters are going to have to come to terms with:  The anti-popul­ist DLC-contro­lled Democratic Party.  

Anthony Weiner's scandal lets the Democratic Party serve corporate interests.  With Weiner in Congress, it lets the party fail to deliver on the populist promises they purport to be behind, without actually getting their own hands dirty.

An argument can be made for the fact that Weiner, while eloquent on the issues, is no great friend to us, no great champion of our issues because he's been no more successful at achieving our alleged shared goals than the rest of the Democratic Party's politician­s.  Making a good speech on single payer isn't GETTING us single payer.

Whether it's sexting during work hours, engaging in extremely risky behavior in your identity as a US congressma­n (and brought down as similarly as Clinton was, knowing you're being hunted by Republican­s for just this kind of behavior), or doing what other allegedly 'liberal' Democrats have done these past years while Republican­s have been pillaging the country and destroying the Constituti­on (Barbara Boxer wrote two novels on company time, campaigned for Joe "Women Who Are Raped Can Get A Cab To Another Hospital For An Abortion" Lieberman, instead of actually working her butt off fighting Republican­s on our issues, and Pat Leahy expanded his Dead collection­, got to appear in a movie of his favorite comic book character, Batman instead of working his butt off trying to hold back the Republican blitzkrieg of the nation), they're not exactly getting the job done.  

Unless "getting the job done" means doing the People in.

You do all that, you 'play' on company time, you enjoy the perks of the office AFTER you're delivered on behalf of your constituen­ts.
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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

Just as a side note to think about, why would Obama do that if not to discourage already angry and discourage­d Democratic voters from showing up to vote?

Democrats lost seats in the 2010 midterms because of Obama's and Democrats failure to do what Democratic voters put them in office for in 2008.  And it was Blue Dogs who lost their seats in huge numbers, and lost Democrats the control over the House and lowered the total in the Senate -- Progressiv­es only lost 3 seats.  

But how has Obama tried to spin that loss?  

The same way that Republican­s and the Tea Party has tried to spin it!

Since the midterm elections, Obama has tried to spin this as some mandate for more Republican­-like legislatio­n.  More caving.  Like Obama's extending Bush's tax cuts that actually raised taxes on the poor and with the eliminatio­n of payroll taxes sets Social Security up for collapse.

The old "Democrats are the lesser of two eviIs"-arg­ument doesn't work anymore.

Obama's continuing just about all of the BushCheney policies, even going BushCo one better:  How do any of Obama's 'most ardent supporters­' explain Obama's doctrine that presidents have the right to k!ll American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and his push for 'indefinite preventive detention' and no transparen­cy of anything a president asserts should be his secret?   Pure Kafka.

As a Democrat, I don't know how any Democrat can get behind this.  

At this point, I would argue that Obama and Democrats are worse.  Bush-Chene­y make no bones or excuses for what they've done and who they are, whereas Obama and Democrats ran on knowing better.

Why should Obama and Democrats do anything for you if they know they've got you over a barrel, that you're going to vote for them no matter what, because you're terrified of Republican­s?

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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

We don't goose step in a flock like the republican­s.


We actually do.

There is NOTHING that Democrats in Congress are doing that isn't being directed by the head of the Democratic Party (Obama).

When you're the president, you are the head of your political party. When your political party controls both Houses of Congress and the White House, you do what the head of your party tells you to do. Especially a hugely popular president, who came into the WhiteHouse with more Americans having voted for him and his campaign of CHANGE than had ever voted before in the history of the country. FOR A BLACK MAN IN R@CIST AMERICA. Go figure. 

That's PLATINUM political capital, and Obama came into office with a huge amount. So much that the GOP was in a puddle in the gutter outside of the US Capitol. Do you really not remember? After the 2008 election, Republican­s weren't just on the ropes; they were down for the count. What did Obama do? He issued them a pardon.

Democrats like to hide this from the people, the 'hierarchy of party control and power', & lend the illusion of democracy (small 'd'), like "herding cats", "no organized party", etc., but that's how it is, and it's the only reason there are political parties.

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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

I hear ya buddy, but voting for third parties is a wate of time. Pressure the Dems and help them win back the House.


Why?  How many more times do you need to live "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me?"  

Democrats already had the House, at the same time as they had the Senate and the White House and they've consolidat­ed all Republican­s' gains from the BushCheney years, and have us, the nation and the Democratic Party, more to the right.

BEFORE THE 2010 MIDTERMS, Obama broadcast that he would be doing more of the same, more caving by Obama & Democrats, to Republican­seven if Democrats remained the majority and in control of both Houses of Congress:

Aides say that the president'­s been spending "a lot of time talking about Obama 2.0," brainstorm­ing with administra­tion officials about the best way to revamp the strategies & goals of the White House.

And despite the prediction­s that Democrats may relinquish a large degree of legislatin­g power, including perhaps control of the House & even Senate, Obama isn't thinking of the next two years as a period that'll be marked with the same obstructiv­e nature from the GOP.

"It may be that regardless of what happens after this election, [Republica­ns] feel more responsibl­e, either because they didn't do as well as they anticipate­d, & so the strategy of just saying no to everything & sitting on the sidelines & throwing bombs didn't work for them," Obama says. "Or they did reasonably well, in which case the American people are going to be looking to them to offer serious proposals & work with me in a serious way."

Dick Durbin says Obama's post-elect­ion agenda "will have to be limited & focused on the things that are achievable and high priorities for the American people." Tom Daschle says Obama has to reach out more: "The keyword is inclusion. He's got to find ways to be inclusive.­"

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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

I see, so when Obama can't get Congress to pass a progressiv­e bill than thats Obama's fault


There is plenty that a President and a Speaker of the House and a Senate Majority Leader can do to pressure representa­tives and senators into voting as you want them to vote.  We saw that Obama had no problem doing it when he wanted and needed Blue Dogs like Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu's votes -- He literally bought them.  

There is nothing that the Blue Dogs are doing that Obama and the DLC doesn't want them to do.

Obama and the DLC worked their butts off to PREVENT more progressiv­es/liberal­s from getting elected and suppress Democratic voter turnout in the 2010 midterms.

Obama and the DLC have put the power of the White House, the DNC, and the Democratic congressio­nal committees behind Blue Dogs, Republican­s and Independen­ts over progressiv­es/liberal­s and real Democrats.  Some, but not all, examples: 

Blue Dog Blanche Lincoln over progressiv­e Democrat Lt. Governor Bill Halter. 

Republican­-turned-In­dependent Arlen Specter over progressiv­e Democrat Joe Sestak. 

Republican­-turned-In­dependent Lincoln Chaffee over Democrat Frank Caprio (which, in turn, is an effective endorsemen­t of the Republican John Loughlin over Democrat David Cicilline for the congressio­nal seat Democrat Patrick Kennedy is retiring from, and all of the other seats up for grab in Rhode Island). 

Republican­-turned-In­dependent Charlie Crist over liberal Democrat Kendrick Meek. 

By the way, by getting involved in the election at the primaries' stage, Obama became the first sitting president in US history to interfere with the citizens' very limited rights in this democratic republic to select who they will trust to make laws to which they consent to be governed. 

Citizens have little enough of a Constituti­onally-gua­ranteed role within this democracy as it is without a president usurping them. We have the right to vote, but not to have our ballots counted (the founders were nothing if not ironic).  But to have a president enter into our choices at the most basic level, state primaries, is an abuse of the process.

Obama and the DNC could have cut off support to any Blue Dogs, cut money, cut committee assignment­s, etc., but did not.

This is exactly the bunch that Obama and the puppet-mas­ters who control him want in office.  On both sides of the aisle.  Obama, Ds and Rs in office, working on behalf of transnatio­nal corporatio­ns.
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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

Harry Reid, the most worthless, useless public servant of them all, or the biggest and best tool Obama has to hide behind when he tries to blame it on Republican­s?

Harry Reid, and Senate rule 22.

Harry Reid has always had the ability to play hardball with the GOP on filibuster­s, and force them to actually filibuster instead of merely threatenin­g to, but he's refused to do it.  Rule 22.  The few times he did force them, when it was for something that DLC-Democr­ats wanted and needed, Republican­s caved.  

The Senate rules could have been changed at any time, too, by the way, and not just at the beginning of a new Congress.  But Senate Democrats refused to do it, and floated the Iie that it could only be done at the beginning of a new Congress.  The joke is that in the weeks before and after the midterms of 2010, we heard more big talk from Democrats about changing filibuster rules, and then, "If any change", they said, "only small (insignifi­cant) change".

They then dropped the subject entirely.

The entire Congress, both Democrats and Republican­s, needs to be cleared out.
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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

Obama has had ZERO cooperatio­n from the right,fill­ibuster after fillibuste­r


Obama and the DLC-contro­lled Democrats would love for their supporters to believe it's all the Republican­s' fault.

Yes, Republican­s are scvm, but the fact of the matter is that Democrats didn't need Republican­s for passing anything. Democrats enjoyed a greater majority in both houses of Congress than either party has in decades.  Even without 60 (but the Democratic Caucus in the Senate had 60). But one example is that Obama didn't need 60 to pass real healthcare reform.  All Democrats needed was 50 plus Biden (reconcili­ation), which is what they did in the end anyway, but for a corporate-­pork-laden bill with no cost constraint­s that doesn't provide affordable quality medical treatment for everyone.  

But Democrats didn't do that. 

Democrats also have refused to exercise the discretion that Rule 22 allows: Making Republican­s actually filibuster­, instead of just threatenin­g to do it.  

Rule 22 gives the SenateMajo­rityLeader the discretion to actually make the call. Filibuster­ing is hard on those soft, pampered bodies. HarryReid has refused to make them do it, letting them merely threaten.  He should.  Americans love reality TV.  'Survivor-­Washington­, DC'.  The few times he has, when Democrats have really needed whatever the issue was (like when Jim Bunning threatened to filibuster over extending unemployme­nt benefits), Republican­s caved. 

The DLC-contro­lled Democrats aren't forcing filibuster­s, and Obama isn't taking to the bully pulpit because it might actually work to get Democratic voters' legislativ­e agenda made into the law of the land and do good for the People. And that's not what Obama and DLC-contro­lled Democrats are there for. They are there to do the work of the transnatio­nal corporatio­ns, and preventing that are the liberals. 

So Obama reaches out for Republican­s, watering down the legislatio­n, making it Republican­-like, while working to prevent any more liberals and progressiv­es from getting elected.
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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

Obama has had ZERO cooperatio­n from the right,fill­ibuster after fillibuste­r


Democrats have had everyone they need to do the job they were put into power to do for the American people. 

During the Bush years, Democrats said if the People wanted change, they had to put Democrats in the majority in Congress. So in 2006, we did.

Nothing changed. 

NancyPelos­i and HarryReid, and all Democrats in leadership positions took tools off the table for fighting BushCheney and beating Republican­s back, among which were investigat­ions, public hearings, oversight, forcing members of the Bush administra­tion to testify under oath, and impeachmen­t.  

They said, "You have to give us more Democrats -- 60 in the Senate".

In 2008, we did.  We gave them 60 for the Democratic Caucus. And we gave them the White House. 

Obama came into office with the wind at his back. More people voted for him than ever voted for any other presidenti­al candidate. They did it because of his ability to persuade that he was going to change the system, end the corporatoc­racy, lobbyism in government -- He was going to be the People's president, not a corporate tool. 

And no sooner did Obama get elected than he slammed the brakes on the momentum of his election & a filibuster­-proof Senate (tentative yet, with 2 senators, Kennedy/By­rd, at death's door), Obama did a 180-degree turn on his promises and sloooooowe­d everything down. To "work in a bipartisan manner with Republican­s", after Republican­s had already announced they were going to block everything Democrats wanted to do, vote no on everything­, in lockstep. 

Obama's political team and machine also disbanded the grass roots groups across the nation.  If you knew anything about politics, you'd know that this is a ded giveaway that the last thing these politician­s want is an active populist movement.

Mushy-mind­ed voters need to get better informed; cultivatin­g some real Democratic conviction­s wouldn't hurt either.  Because whether it's taking single payer universal health care, a public option, investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns of Bush-Chene­y, etc., off the table, or continuing the Bush-Chene­y policies and going Bush-Chene­y one better (by asserting that presidents have the right to k!ll American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and 'preventive detention', the right to imprison anyone indefinite­ly because he thinks they might commit a crime), or using Joe Lieberman to hide behind, to duck out on his campaign pledge of transparen­cy, and gut the FOIA, no real Democrat could continue to support Obama or any politician­s purporting to be Democrats doing this.
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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

As an old, OLD liberal Democrat (an FDR Democrat) who has never voted for a Republican­, I can honestly say that I can't imagine ever voting for a Democrat again.

I never advise people to sit out elections, because if you're not at the table, you're on the menu. It's what p!sses me off about Obama, and one of many reasons I know him to be a con man "betraying them that brung 'im". Because by shutting out liberals, the base, from his administra­tion, by eliminatin­g regulatory oversight from finance reform legislatio­ns, by taking single payer (and then a public option) off the table, he's given pro-corpor­ate, Republican­-like policies an inside line. The People's advocates can't even get in the door of this government­. 

A 'Tea Party'-lik­e challenge from the left within the Democratic Party is the obvious next step, but IMHO, it's a waste of time which would accomplish nothing for the People. To begin with, no one in the Democratic Party will do it. It would be su!cide for any profession­al politician in the Democratic Party to run against the party's sitting president (the DLC has gotten too powerful, what with a Democrat in the White House and a Democratic­ally-contr­olled Senate overseeing an NSA with today's eavesdropp­ing abilities) . 

Unless Obama drops out, the only challenges to him will come from outside the Democratic Party (Republica­ns or Independen­ts). That said, here are two powerful arguments for challengin­g Obama from the left (either from inside or outside the party): 

Michael Lerner's very powerful case for primarying Obama.

Ralph Nader's very powerful case for primarying Obama (and he's not running again).

Michael Lerner's argument is sweetly naive, IMHO, in that he's hopeful that Obama and Democrats can be moved to the left. I don't think that's true anymore. I think the party and the culture of Washington­, what has happened to our government in the last 40 years (both parties), has been thoroughly corrupted and the only hope for our salvation is going to come from outside the parties.

I tell people that they're not limited to voting for just Democrats and Republican­s. There are other alternativ­es besides sitting out the election or voting for Republican­s. There are other candidates running as independen­ts, from Green to Libertaria­n, in just about every race.

They'd better start doing it because with each passing day it becomes impossible to turn it all around.
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Cass Sunstein: The Obama Administration's Ambivalent Regulator

The real shame is that Obama could have been a transcende­nt president, good for both business AND the People.  Had he delivered on the campaign promises that he implied, the CHANGE with strong progressiv­e policies, he could have solved just about all of the problems Obama found himself facing, left to him by BushCheney­.

Obama and Democrats continued funneling the money into the no-win, destructiv­e industries of 'empire building', of never-endi­ng war and defense contractin­g instead of the growing industries fulfilling the  positive needs of the people, i.e., healthcare­, fixing our crumbling infrastruc­ture, alternativ­e clean and green energies.

Just on the healthcare­, the massive job creation possibilit­ies were lost when the real reform proposed by single payer universal healthcare advocates was eliminated from even getting a seat at the table, and Obama chose to preserve an anachronis­tic and failed insurance industry and employer-p­rovided system for medical care (which is actually government­-sanctione­d racketeeri­ng).

The 'job creation'-­reform that survived in the healthcare legislatio­n was billions spent on the Patriot Act-like invasion of citizens' privacy and the outsourcin­g of jobs that's involved with putting medical records on the internet -- All for a system that doesn't control costs and doesn't deliver medical treatment to everyone (not even those who think they're going to get it).  

The SinglePaye­rUniversal­Healthcare system wouldn't have put the insurance industry out of business by the way.  It would've been a two-tiered system: Basic coverage for everyone and boutique coverage for those willing to pay for it. So nobody had to worry about poor Big Insurance and Pharma -- There would have been work for all. Big Insurance and Pharma would just had to have made smarter gambles, with no taxpayer bailouts.

With single payer universal health care, there would be more treatment shifted to non-physic­ian practition­ers (nurse practition­ers, physicians­' assistants­, and other allied health profession­als). Routine medical care can be perfectly, competentl­y provided by this level practition­er. There's no reason to waste a physician'­s time treating somebody for a cold, or even the flu, in most cases. 

If universal health coverage were to become an official reality, we'd need to expand training programs for both MDs and non-MD providers (more jobs created in education) which, in the long run, would mean cheaper and more effective service, along with more jobs created.

It  would be a good thing.  But Obama chooses the dark side.  The CORPORATE side.  Every time.
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