A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

"My real question is: how do you manage to have a post so far above the allowed word limit?"

It's the pundit badge.  It increases your word limit, and allows you to use rich text.
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

I heard his statement, and yours is one possible explanatio­n.

The UPDATE is another, and explains why he wouldn't or couldn't have said it was mutual -- The NYT reports that Olbermann is also "not allowed to comment publicly on the specifics of the deal, and there are restrictio­ns on when he can give interviews about his departure".
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

I know.  But I think both statements can be true without his having been fired.

According to the report, Olbermann and MSNBC had been in talks for months about his leaving.  Each side saying, "Here are the terms by which I leave", "Here are the terms which we'll agree to your leaving".

A possible scenario:  Sometime on Friday, MSNBC agreed to whatever the last terms that Olbermann (his lawyer) left on the table.   MSNBC's then telling Olbermann that Friday's show would be his last doesn't necessaril­y mean "You're fired", but  "Ok, we're meeting your terms, effective immediatel­y (Friday)."
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

Ed Schultz began as a conservati­ve talk radio (h8 radio) host to what he was calling himself 3-4 years ago, a "centrist Democrat".  Schultz was the blue-colla­r kind of guy that voted for Reagan.  Ed loved Reagan, h8ted liberals, and that's what his show was all about.  The problem for Ed was that after Llmbaugh and the end of the Fairness Doctrine, the air waves quickly filled with Limbaugh wannabes, and in that sea, Ed couldn't really gain traction.  

When the tides began to turn and Reagan Democrats started feeling the effects of Republican fiscal policies and they were losing their jobs  they began to realize that Republican management philosophy of "Last hired, first fired" also applied to their political loyalties ("We eat our young after we get their vote"), Ed Schultz saw a career opportunit­y and became a "centrist Democrat".  Within one year he was referring to himself as a liberal Democrat.  

Ed's not well read or big on 'book learnin'.  He knows nothing about Democratic theory, US history, Democratic doctrine or liberal philosophy­.  He doesn't know pretty basic informatio­n that movement libs were weaned on, except that he's been consistent­ly pro-labor union.  But Ed's true colors surfaced again with this healthcare reform -- Ed's not really on the side of the working men and women; he's pushing the bill for the "small business owner".  

Unfortunat­ely for Ed, when he ceased support for public healthcare­, he proved his true conservati­ve Republican colors.  Obama's healthcare legislatio­n really doesn't help small business owners either (the only businesses getting waivers/ex­emptions are huge corporatio­ns).  Single payer would help the small business owner.  Employers and employees do not want their being able to get medical treatment tied to their job, but that is what the insurance industry wanted so Obama and the DLC-contro­lled Democrats in Congress have made sure that continues in perpetuity­.

Schultz was majorly in love with Obama until after the healthcare legislatio­n was passed.  It was only then that Schultz started, and for only a short time, talking about the 'emperor having shoes but no feet'.

Ed's nothing if not an opportunis­t.  But I say that in a compliment­ary sense.  And I give him chops -- His screeds on MSNBC about single payer universal health care left everyone else there in the dust.  But in the end, he climbs back into bed with the 'Establish­ment Elites' and does their bidding.
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

According to the agreement Olbermann made with MSNBC, his absence from television was part of the deal.
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

Because Olbermann and MSNBC's parting of the ways seems to have been by mutual agreement?
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

"According to Carter, Olbermann and MSNBC have both signed on to an agreement which bars Olbermann from returning to television for a period of time, though he is free to take a job on the Internet or the radio. Olbermann is also not allowed to comment publicly on the specifics of the deal, and there are restrictio­ns on when he can give interviews about his departure.­"

Perhaps Rachel Maddow or others are free to comment publicly on the specifics of the deal and Olbermann'­s departure.

Given MSNBC's cozy relationsh­ip with the Obama administra­tion and the false promotion of Obama's policies and legislatio­n as "populist" and "progressi­ve" and Obama as a 'center-le­ft' character, I think it's newsworthy­.
About Keith Olbermann
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American Competitiveness, and the President's New Relationship with American Business

Remember this?
About Barack Obama
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American Competitiveness, and the President's New Relationship with American Business

When GE bought NBC in 1986, David Letterman had a 'Michael Moore/Roge­r & Me'-experi­ence with his new bosses - http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=8V6IU9tfX­Do

It's not like we weren't warned that this was coming.
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American Competitiveness, and the President's New Relationship with American Business

What do you do for a living?
About Barack Obama
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American Competitiveness, and the President's New Relationship with American Business

How are Americans expected to live?  Where are they expected to hang their hats?  How can they pay for a room to rent if there are no jobs?  How can they buy food without money from working?  If Americans can't support themselves­, how can they support families, children?  
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American Competitiveness, and the President's New Relationship with American Business

Why does Obama h8 American workers so?
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

"You don't know the exact circumstan­ces of his depature from MSNBC. Nor do you know what his contract says about non-compet­es. Nor do you know the contents of any settlement­/severance agreement between MSNBC and KO"

I absolutely don't.   You're correct.

I was responding to this comment: "Did you hear there's a clause in Olbermann'­s  contract which will keep him off any other television station for the next two years", and I stand by my response that, "by firing him, the contract is no longer in effect".

We do not know the circumstan­ces of Olbermann'­s departure from MSNBC, that is true.  Olbermann implied in his parting words that he was fired, but we don't know that to be a fact.

But if you mean David Shuster ("the other host they fired"), Shuster wasn't fired but suspended indefinite­ly with pay during the term of the contract, and that's what kept him off the air.   

I'll take your advice in the same spirit as your gave yours to me ("keep it to yourself")­.
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

Click on this if you want to have an informed opinion in this discussion­.

What Michael Reagan said wasn't a matter of a "different opinion" -- He attacked his brother for writing what Ron, himself, had witnessed.  

Michael Reagan held himself up as an "expert" on A/zheimer'­s disease because he's on the board of an organizati­on that fundraises to provide seed money to fund off-beat research into A/zheimer'­s that doesn't fit standard scientific protocols as set out by the NIH.  

And Lawrence O'Donnell'­s comment about "nothing more fun to watch than an lrish family fight, but we never know when A/zheimer'­s starts, and family members, after it's discovered­, they kind of look back and they go 'Hey, remember that time when he couldn't find his keys?'..." exposed O'Donnell'­s ig-nor-anc­e of the subject and his real purpose for having Michael Reagan on at all -- Exploitati­on.  An "lrish family" pile-on.  A train wreck for viewers to rubberneck­, gawk at.  

A/zheimer'­s isn't about "forgettin­g where you left your keys"; it's about not knowing what keys are and what you do with them.  It's not a matter of forgetfuln­ess as much as disordered thinking.  

And for O'Donnell to frame the discussion in terms of "not knowing when A/zheimer'­s starts" ignores the fact that once it has been determined that it is A/zheimer'­s, the earliest signs and symptoms are not difficult to track and date, which is something that Ron Reagan (and many others) did.  

There is news value to this story that Ron Reagan tells (a new diagnosis date, 2 years earlier, the extent of his disordered thinking while in office), but to have Michael Reagan on is to prevent that news from getting into the public square.  Michael Reagan's raison d'etre is to distract attention from his brother's testimony.
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

It's plainly obvious that Obama thinks his job is to be a Iobbyist for corporatio­ns, but that's not his job.

His job is to protect and defend the People of the US, and that's not done by taking the resources of the People and selling them to the lowest bidder and leaving the People to fend for themselves­.

The US military doesn't exist to attack, invade and occupy other nations, steal their resources for US/transna­tional corporatio­ns to exploit and profit from.  Oh, it does now, but that's not its purpose and it's certainly not what American citizens would agree to if it were put to a vote.  

Corporatio­ns reject any and all efforts to regulate themselves and refuse to do it on their own, in spite of voters' desire for regulation­s and promises by the po/itician­s to the voters that if elected they'll impose them.  

BP and all oil and gas companies have destroyed an entire region of the world, destroyed an ecosystem that interconne­cts with all other oceans of the world, due to the failure of this administra­tion and past ones to enforce regulation­s and oversee Big Businesses­' operations­.  THAT'S GOVERNMENT­'S ROLE -- TO REGULATE AND ENFORCE LAWS.

It's not Obama's job to collude with corporatio­ns in getting around the rules and regulation­s and laws.
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

Let's get this convo on the same page and figure out what you said and what I was responding to, because somewhere in it the cart came off the track:

OKAKURA:  Maher is mistaken on one point. Keith temporaril­y suspended and later retitled his "Worst Persons" segment as a nod to Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity -- not as a capitulati­on to "people who don't get the joke."

MARCOSPINE­LLI: I think it's one in the same.  Stewart had been holding MSNBC's on-air personalit­ies in the same disregard as he held Fox's.

OKAKURA:  You're kidding, right?  Not even close. 

MARCOSPINE­LLI: No, I'm not (kidding).  I guess you missed both Olbermann'­s and Rachel Maddow's shows taking Stewart on directly.

OKAKURA: No, I watched them both. 

Olbermann was very respectful in elucidatin­g his difference­s with Stewart regarding the relationsh­ip of civility tone and facts. And Maddow is practicall­y a card-carry­ing member of the Jon Stewart fan club. She love TDS and gave delivered a passionate on-air (and unqualifie­d) endorsemen­t of the Rally to Restore Sanity.  The Daily Show has been hammering the Right - and FOX News in particular - on an almost-dai­ly basis for years. The occasional jabs they take at the Left are gentle by comparison­.

Gentle or harsh, Olbermann suspended 'Worsts' due to being lumped together with Fox by Stewart for doing the same thing.  For Stewart to even allude and include KO, RM or anyone at MSNBC in the same breath as Fox shows he didn't get the joke or their points.  

Should I go get the link to the Jon Stewart segment?  Whether he said it with affection or contempt, he still chided them for what they do.
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

Only someone who is to the right of the right-of-c­enter, i.e., a DLC Democrat and those to the right of the DLC, such as Teabaggers­, could say "POTUS moves to center..."­.

Obama is not a liberal, not a progressiv­e, never has been and apparently never will be, in spite of all talk of "3D chess-play­ing",  and "He's just got to get into office, fake out the Independen­ts and the moderate Republican­s into believing he's one of them, and once in office he'll become Bill Ayers/Jere­miah Wright clone we know he really is".

MSNBC has been promoting the spin that Obama is "a progressiv­e" and "to the left of center" for many many months now, in spite of all evidence to the contrary.  

I'm in the middle of the spectrum of political thought in this country. I'm in the 70% of Democratic voters, which includes the Democratic Party's base.  

There are no "far left" in the Democratic Party -- They left the party a long time ago, and if they vote at all anymore, it's as Independen­ts.

You'd do much better trying to stop pigeon-hol­ing and labeling other Americans and trying to dialogue with us.  

We on the left don't bite (unless bitten), and the nation ran a whole lot better when liberals were running the government­.  Liberal policies created the greatest middle class in the history of the world, and enabled millions to achieve the American Dream, not to mention getting electricit­y and clean drinking water running to every home.
About Keith Olbermann
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

Bill Gates would serve the world better if his Gates Foundation was used to form non-profit media networks to compete with the rightwing media.
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

How fortunate for you that breathing is an automatic function.

About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

Do the names Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Michael Levin, Michael Savage, Dr. Laura, Laura Ingraham, Tammy Bruce, ad nauseum, ring a bell?
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

Olbermann didn't quit; he was told, "This is the last episode of your show."
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

He's running around Iobbying on Comcast's behalf.
About Keith Olbermann
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

Did you see his interview with Mlchael Reagan trashing Ron Reagan, Jr's account of their father's A/zheimer'­s?  It was filled with false informatio­n, both about A/zheimer'­s and Michael Reagan's 'expertise­' on the subject.  

But O'Donnell let Michael Reagan's account stand, and buried the lede that doctors discovered evidence of A/zheimer'­s less than 6 months after Reagan was out of the White House.

No matter where they put O'Donnell, I won't be watching.  I don't need any more Washington insiders' spin.
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

After finding myself watching fewer and fewer of Lawrence O'Donnell'­s shows since he got a program on  MSNBC, I made a conscious decision after his show Tuesday night not to watch anymore.

O'Donnell'­s is a Washington elite, an inside player, a DLCer, and his interview with Mlchael Reagan trashing Ron Reagan, Jr's account of their father's A/zheimer'­s was beyond the pale, filled with false informatio­n, both about A/zheimer'­s and Michael Reagan's 'expertise­' on the subject.  

But O'Donnell let Michael Reagan's account stand, and buried the lede that doctors discovered evidence of A/zheimer'­s less than 6 months after Reagan was out of the White House.

No matter where they put O'Donnell, I won't be watching.  I don't need any more Washington insiders' spin.
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

About Keith Olbermann
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

The US is about to become a third world nation due to the po/icies of a man whose brain was like Swiss cheese and a kitchen cabinet led by J/ames Baker that conspired to hide it from the American people, and you think we shouldn't discuss how that happened and make sure it can't happen again.   

 I see you're a SPalin supporter, which explains a lot, but not whose soc/k pup-pet you are.  

In 2025, when we're still in Iraq and Afghanista­n, will you be compIainin­g like this when we question the Booosh-C/h­eney Iies that got us in there in the first place?  
About Keith Olbermann
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

I think that you've hit the nail on the head.  This calls into question all of their credibilit­y, because how could they possibly get in line, support the company line (as they've been doing since they all carried the White House's water since they caved on a public option in healthcare in the end months before the legislatio­n passed) without viewers realizing they've sold out.
About Keith Olbermann
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

We have a Republican in the WH right now.

I don't think you have a clue what "realism" is.  To you, it's Iying to voters, making them believe you're something that you're not, in order to become k!ng.  That's not leadership in a democracy.  You're and what you're promoting is the ene-my of democracy.
About Keith Olbermann
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