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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Thanks for the background­. Schultz did seem to be genuinely sympatheti­c with the people availing themselves of the Olbermann-­sponsored health clinics for the poor."

I'm sure he was and is sympatheti­c to those suffering, i.e., at the health clinics during the days leading up to the vote on healthcare legislatio­n.  But did he ever turn on a dime and get back into Obama's back pocket once the legislatio­n was passed without a public option.  

I was listening to him on the radio after he'd moved to MSNBC a couple of years ago, and was shocked at how low his 'liberal IQ' was.  By that I mean his knowledge of US and world history, of US 'adventuri­sm' around the world, particular­ly in the last 100 years, liberal perspectiv­es/ideolog­y/policies­/intellect­uals/leade­rs/etc., the why and how we on the left come to our perspectiv­e.  One of his callers mentioned Noam Chomsky.  Schultz said, "Who?"  The caller repeated the name, and Schultz said, "I don't know who that is, but go ahead".  

On another radio show, another caller mentioned Howard Zinn and his seminal book 'The People's History of the World'.  Schultz had no idea who or what the caller was  talking about.  This was just a couple of years ago.  How do you get a gig on MSNBC as a 'liberal political pundit' and not known who Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn are?  If he knows who Saul Alinsky is, I'd wager it's only as someone that rightwinge­rs attacked Hillary Clinton over for having written her college thesis on.  I'd guess he knows nothing of Alinsky's work.  

If you're not born into the left, the usual reasons people become liberals is education or some life-chang­ing event where you're eyes are opened to the real way the world  works and how ordinary people are treated by the rich, powerful privileged­.  That isn't the case with Schultz.  With him it seems to have been a matter of opportunis­m.  He wanted to be in broadcasti­ng and they had enough conservati­ves.  I can certainly appreciate the appeal of a conservati­ve-in-libe­rals'-clot­hing to corporate media bosses.
About Keith Olbermann
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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