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Obama May Do Social Security Reform During Lame Duck Session, Senate Democrats Worry

Monday, September 24, 2012

Jeff, it's not Obama who has a short memory; it's his 'most ardent supporters'.  They're the ones with the power to hold his feet to the fire, by crashing his numbers, but they don't.  They wring their hands over Republicans who do the exact same thing that Obama will do if reelected.  

To the ObamaZombies:  

If you want Obama to be the liberal you believe that he secretly is, then crash his approval numbers NOW.  Make him work for your vote.  Make him talk the talk of a liberal, and start walking the walk - There are so many things that he could do to prove good faith.  Here's one great example of what's within his ability to do, without Congress - Have the IRS enforce tax laws in the mortgage-industrial-complex.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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