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Obama May Do Social Security Reform During Lame Duck Session, Senate Democrats Worry

Monday, September 24, 2012

How do we get Democratic politicians to behave like Democrats?  How do we get Democratic policies and legislation passed?   

I've laid out solutions, beginning with "Stop voting for DLC-controlled Democrats".   All roads (to campaign finance reform, Social Security and Medicare protection, clean and green energy, ending corporate personhood, strong banking/environmental/etc. regulations, JOBS, education, no more resource wars, gay rights, civil rights restoration, affordable quality medical treatment for everyone, and so on) begin with that.  

Everything that has been done these past 30 years has been done with Democrats' compliance -- Couldn't have happened without Democrats signing on.

Neither party is interested in ending corporate control over our government.  It feathers their nests now and will take care of them once they've left office.  Unless and until the money is out of politics, we're all just wasting our time, flapping our gums.  

Obama isn't interested in reforming that.  He's not interested in reforming anything.  He's only interested in making it look like he's reformed government.  He's not alone -- All professional politicians has 'reform' as their campaign's centerpiece.  A lot of promises to reform, and when it's time to get reelected and whatever happened in the previous 2 or 4 years is spun to try to convince voters (and more importantly, about 10% of the voters, Independents who see themselves as centrists) that the reform that they wanted they got with their side of the D&R equation.  

Both parties generally take their bases for granted, but there is something to the adage, "Republicans fear their base and Democrats loathe their base".  

So we're back to the question that has kept this farce going for so many election cycles now, moving the parties and the government farther to right while the people, when informed of the issues,  tend to agree with and want liberal solutions):

Why should Obama-Demo­crats do anything for you if they know you're going to vote for them no matter what?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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