Obama May Do Social Security Reform During Lame Duck Session, Senate Democrats Worry
Monday, September 24, 2012
Please, let's not go through this id!otic BS again -- Presidents write legislation all the time, then walk it over to the Capitol and have someone in the Senate introduce it. Who do you think just wrote the American Jobs Act?
And who do you think wrote the tax cut legislation preserving Bush's tax cuts for the richest?
ACA was Obama's baby, as was NDAA.
During the healthcare legislation debacle, Obama (and his 'most ardent admirers') excused his failure to lead the fight for single payer/public option with, "Writing the legislation is Congress's job -- I'm staying out of it". We learned later that Obama had been undercutting the congressional committees working on the legislation by crafting secret deals with the insurance & pharmaceutical industries that Congress would be locked into.
How many comments did you write on HP, defending Obama with "Presidents don't write legislation! That's congress's job!", only to have egg all over your face when the news of this deal came out?
There wasn't a peep out of Obama's 'most ardent supporters' about his interfering with Congress's job and plan to let the Bush tax cuts expire, and then introduce clean bills with middle class tax cuts alone, etc.
Obama's job in this and all issues, any president's job, is to ratchet up support/opposition to pressure members of Congress into doing the president's bidding. It's to shape opinion in the public, intercede directly with the American people, to get them to bring pressure to bear on their elected representatives in Congress.
Obama didn't do that. Obama only uses that power to beat down them that brung 'im: The Democratic base.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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