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Obama Assails GOP On Clouded Final Campaign Push

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

At least they gave FDR longer than 19 months to fix the Great Depression.


"They" gave FDR? Who is "they"? The American people?

Like Obama, FDR came into office with a supermajority Democratic Congress, although not quite as 'robust' as Obama's. But unlike Obama & today's Democrats, FDR began delivering from the git-go. The first 100 days of FDR's presidency are unmatched in terms of the record number of bills he rammed through Congress and signed into law. And unlike now, FDR was flying by the seat of his pants -- There wasn't any precedent for him to follow.

Also unlike Obama, FDR had a plan, a 2-pronged approach to the Depression.

First and foremost, the government provided relief for those who needed it most, i.e., the People, which entailed a redistribution of wealth, from the rich to the poor. Secondly, the government would address the stabilization of the economy through reorganizing banks and creating new government agencies and regulations. If Obama has a plan or a strategy, it's nothing he's sharing.

About Barack Obama
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