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How Christine O'Donnell Beat The GOP Establishment (VIDEO)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Christine O'Donnell, running as a Republican (not as a Tea Party candidate -- The distinction is clear from her words), states she has "broad-based support", including 'Hillary Clinton Democrats' working behind her & with her:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glr2oQOSiQw "

O'Donnell says a lot of things that fall short of the truth.


No, that's not actually true.

I've been tracking O'Donnell and others like her for years, & have found her to be, as Bill Mahr has said about her, "nutty, but honest".  She believes what she believes and she has an impossible time keeping it to herself.  

Rather than dismiss it out of hand, wouldn't you like to know the basis for her having made that statement?  Why does she believe she has Hillary Democrats working behind and for her?

Obama, Rahm Emanuel and the DLC have worked overtime to elevate the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin (and now Glenn Beck) and turn the election into one of fear ("What if the Republicans get in?").

We exchanged one party that ran on fanning voters' fears (of OsamaB!nLaden) for another doing the same thing (fear of teabaggers).

And in the meantime, the American People are being sold out, quite literally.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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