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Counterterrorist Pursuit Team: 3,000 Man CIA Paramilitary Force Hunts Militants In Afghanistan, Pakistan

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You will be when someone you love is k!IIed in a terr0rist attack.  You'll then get interested in learning what the CIA and covert US policies have done to other people in other lands to cause them to join Al Qaeda.

Those making the policies don't fly commercially.  They aren't anywhere where Al Qaeda can get at them, so Al Qaeda goes after those Americans that they can reach.  Civilians.  Because in a democratic republic, it's the People who choose those who will make and carry out the policies.  

Ironically, paradoxically, you had better hope that the attack is a real big one, capable of disrupting commerce.  Because only if it has the capability of stopping you from shopping and giving the Masters of the Universe the profits they crave, will the US government react.  O bummer, that's what happened on 2001, and reacting really didn't do a thing but get Americans' fortune siphoned into the pockets of the Masters of the Universe.

You see, the only solution is for Americans to wake up and recognize that their leaders are the Masters of the Universe.  They're the problem for all people around the world.
About Pakistan
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