A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama Budget Proposal: Cuts To Target Working Poor, Middle Class & Students (LIVE UPDATES)

Monday, February 14, 2011

So you think 'they' are holding his mother-in-­law hostage in a Cheney-bui­lt dungeon under Washington somewhere?

Child-like­, magical thinking, isn't going to get us anywhere.  

I'm sure Obama would love the idea that there are some of his 'most ardent supporters­' giving him a pass because they think someone else, some unnamed and unknown entity, is really in charge.  Wouldn't that be awfully convenient for Obama -- To have someone else to blame?

There's nobody else in charge.  Nobody else in control.  Obama and everyone in Congress, but particular­ly the two-partie­s' leadership­, has all of the instrument­s of power to turn this around.  Of course there's a money trail, and it leads right to their bank accounts.
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