A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Polling Lessons For Obama From Oklahoma City

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"I realize that might be a big word for you since you seem to be fond of using zeros instead of the letter O for your writing, so please try looking it up in a dictionary if you don't understand what it means. Thanks."

You're insulting and ig.nor.ant­.  That's a sad combinatio­n.

FYI:  HP has filters that screen and scrub posts.  Using 0 instead of O, ! instead of i, etc., bypasses the filters.  Some words that the filters snag are perfectly innocuous words, not anything offensive, abusive or objectiona­ble.  Some spelling that others use to avoid filters are for offensive reasons (like 'maroon' for m0r0n).

When your mind registered something different in the way I and others spell words around here, how is it that you naturally assumed it was I and they who were ig.no.rant­?  

Informatio­n is the coin of the realm.  
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