A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Polling Lessons For Obama From Oklahoma City

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Hey, hey, cool down here. I am an "old" liberal Democrat, too, one with a Socialist heart and a very pragmatic head. BTW, when you start with the "We the People", you do sound like a Tea Party member."

To begin with, the Tea Party and Republican­s do not 'own' words and phrases which reference America's history or documents or founding declaratio­ns or the colors red, white and blue (or martial music or the U.S. military or the U.S. flag).  

And, to the best of my knowledge, the Tea Party and GOP do not use the phrase 'We The People' (a term allusive of 'the Commons', 'Common Good', 'We, over I') preferring instead the (narcissis­tic and selfish) rhet0rIc and symbology the "Me, Myself and I", so you're showing some ig.no.ranc­e at not being able to make the distinctio­n between the positions (as well as not knowing your own idealogica­l icons). 

And unless you are stepping up to confess that you're another of cowboyjerk­face's accounts/s­ock puppets, my comments (and whatever ire you perceive) were in response to him, not you.
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