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Polling Lessons For Obama From Oklahoma City

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"I'm a conservati­ve who is very upset with the tragic shooting of people for simply being Americans doing what we do."

See, this is the problem.  You're left believing something that isn't true.  You're not alone -- It's remarkable there are any who don't share your belief, given the resources and effort that's been put into having you believe that last Saturday happened because of "inciviIit­y" and "he@ted p0Iitical rhet0rIc". 

The Obamas (Michelle, too) and Democrats aren't talking about the real cause of and solution for the events on Saturday (expansion of mentaI heaIth services and gvn control legisIatio­n) because they have no intention of doing anything to change it.  No money is going into mental healthcare­.  Nobody is going to take on the gvn lobby in this country.  

So, our corrupt and broken-bey­ond-repair government is doing what ins@ne cultures everywhere do; making up a false narrative, revisionis­t history, to get us over this hump.  

You think that the service got "a bit political"­?  

This liberal Democrat is telling you that Obama's been doing nothing but trying to capitalize p0Iiticall­y on the events of last weekend, and it's a scandal.  Or should be.

From day one, hour one, Obama followed in his predecesso­r Bvsh's footsteps, seizing on an iconic event to conflate the sh00tings with, to instill fe@r in the American people.  There's no other explanatio­n for any of this: 

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