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Tax Cuts For Rich Move Forward In Senate

Monday, December 13, 2010

I'm convinced that the powers that be, who are behind Obama (and Democrats and Republican­s) are also behind her. Should she win, she'd be like George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, given a 'kitchen cabinet' to run the country. The abzurdity of it all is that it's just more of the same magnates who are behind the Democrats, who are behind Obama. It's all the same thing. All Sarah Palin is about is making money for herself and her family. She doesn't where it comes from. When she was a governor in Alaska, she was actually more moderate, and governed like Bush did when he was governor of Texas -- Texas Democrats had nothing but good things to say about Bush then. This system is corrupted, and the government is rotten to the core, and that's something I've never said before.
About Bush Tax Cuts
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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