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Gallup's Generic House Ballot: Why So Different?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Well yes...but there are regulations now...aren't there? Or are we back to start.


No, not really. For example, one of the new rules is that the CEO of a company must certify it has complied with all regulations. Can you see the fly in this ointment?

Another is that rigs have to certify they have working blowout preventers and standards for cementing wells. "Certify". "Standards". No prior proofs before operating, all "after the fact" of the catastrophe & damages. To languish for years in a court system.

If you want to better appreciate the technical problems of involved (blow-out preventers have a 50% failure rate), and why we really need to revisit the question of offshore drilling at all, see here: http://www.theoildrum.com/node/6421

There's still no determination or resolution about the Deepwater Horizon explosion -- The investigation into the BP blowout in the gulf, its causes, the failure of the response and clean-up, has been buried.

And, just like the Obama administration has issued waivers to insurance companies allowing non-compliance with regulations from the healthcare legislation, the same is expected now.

The bought-and-paid-for-by-Big-Oil politicians have already been pressuring Obama to speed up the permitting process, which is a guarantee of throwing caution to the wind on safety and environmental concerns, or 'business as usual'.

Here's a sobering essay: http://emptywheel.firedoglake.com/2010/05/22/the-epas-history-of-william-reilly/
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