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Dems Struggle To Build 'Firewall' Against House Losses

Saturday, October 9, 2010

If Republicans are such scvm (and I believe they are), why isn't Obama investigating and prosecuting the greatest heist on the People in all history?

Why are Obama and Democrats continuing the war crimes of Bush & Cheney, and blocking investigations and prosecutions into their crimes?

We have Obama and Democrats to thank for the resurrection of Republicans. The GOP & Bush were down for the count after the 2008, and Obama gave them all pardon.

We're seeing Democrats running the same fear campaigns that we thought we were getting rid of when we put Democrats and Obama into power. We thought there'd be no more pre-election Osama B!n Laden tapes leaked, no more 'overseas travel advisories', no more non-specific terr0rist threats plastered all over the media in the weeks before an election.

But we're getting the same old, same old, along with "The Republicans are coming, be very afraid!", and 'All Christine O'Donnell', all the time, despite the fact that she's something like 18 points down in the polls.

The DLC-controlled Democrats aren't running on achievements -- They haven't achieved what we put them into power to achieve, through every fault of their own and Obama's. They're actually running on the slogan, "The other guys are worse."

We have Obama and Democrats to thank for the resurrection of Republicans. The GOP & Bush were down for the count after the 2008, and Obama gave them all pardon.

Ask yourselves why?
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