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Air Force DADT Enforcement Has Stopped, According To Official's E-Mail

Thursday, October 14, 2010

According to Rachel Maddow last night:

=== RobertGibbs said today “The best way to end it is for the Senate to follow the lead of the House of Representatives so that end can be implemented in a fashion that‘s consistent with our obligations in fighting two wars.”

“But absent that action,” he said, “The president, again has set up a process to end this policy. The bottom line is that this is a policy that‘s going to end. It‘s not whether it will end, but the process by which it will end.”

Here‘s the thing: The WhiteHouse line, the line from the administration on this now is that they‘d like the Senate to repeal it. Absent that action, the spokesman said. Absent that action. Absent the Senate voting to repeal it. Absent the moon crashing through the atmosphere & turning us all to green cheese.

Absent that action of the Senate repealing “DADT”, the WhiteHouse says there's an orderly process underway to get rid of the policy. And that orderly process is that the Senate will repeal it? The WhiteHouse is sternly ensuring everyone that the policy will end.

And when you drill down on how they say it will end, they say it will end because the Senate will end it even though the Senate has just chosen not to end it & the Senate is poised to get more conservative not less in the imminent elections.

This is incoherence. ==

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