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Obama To Tea Party: 'Identify, Specifically, What Would You Do?'

Monday, September 20, 2010

Typical TPer. Can make up stuff about the other guy, but when asked (and you were) can't come up with any repeat any specifics you would do, propose, support.


I'm an old liberal Democrat, you id-jit.

Yes, the liberal base of the Democratic Party has abandoned Obama and the DLC-controlled Democrats in Congress (along with Independents who voted for Obama & Democrats after the fiasco of the Bush-Cheney years).

Going after teabaggers is 'weak tea'' -- The teabaggers aren't the problem.  

Yes, they're abzurd, yes, their beliefs and ideas are way out of mainstream, fringe, whackadoodle, but they're clowns.  
Stand back and look at the bigger picture.

Look at who created them.  Look at who keeps them going front and center in our faces day in and day out.  Look at who looks good in comparison.  

And that's their purpose.

There are leftwing grassroots movements, active and protesting Obama and the DLC-controlled Democrats in Congress, all across the country.

But only the fringe of the fringe, the Tea Party, with its 600 registered members, gets any media coverage.

Why do you suppose that is?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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