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Obama Advisers Ponder Ad Campaign Against GOP That Points To Rise Of Tea Party

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Tea Party is the means by which the Republican Party tosses its most active fringees some red meat.  Like Al Qaeda with fewer than 100 in Afghanistan, the Tea Party has fewer than 600 members nationwide.  But teabaggers don't even run as independents, third party; they run as Republicans.

The GOP was on the mat (not even the ropes) and de@d after the 2008 election, but Obama and Emanuel let them rise again.   Obama, Rahm Emanuel and the DLC have worked overtime to elevate the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin (and now Glenn Beck), beginning as soon as Obama got into the White House to attack Limbaugh and Palin, two people with no official role in the Republican Party.  Obama to go after Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Feith, Wolfowitz, Yoo, Bybee, et al, blocked all investigations and prosecutions into that administration.  Obama's refused to go after anyone in the Republican leadership or in Congress.  Not Mitch McConnell, not John Boehner, not Eric Cantor, not John McCain (the titular head of the Party, as the last presidential nominee).  

Obama (nor any of the Democratic Party leadership) refuses to hold anyone in the Bush administration to account, for anything, from t0rture and Iying to take the nation to war, to the financial meltdown, the greatest heist on the American people in the history of the world.  To date, the only person who Obama has prosecuted has been Bernie Madoff.  While doing terrible and illegal things, Madoff was nevertheless responsible for about $170 billion of the more than $10 trillion worth of economic holes that were blown into the economy during the economic meltdown.  In other words, at his height, Madoff caused less than 2% of the total economic catastrophe.  That is something that is very important to keep in mind because as of the time of writing this particular article, Bernie Madoff is the only significant player to actually have gone to jail for his actions during the period of build-up that ultimately led to this economic collapse.  

It would be kind of hard to swallow (Obama going after the Bush administration for having committed crimes) when it's the same activities that Obama's actively engaged in.  It's also counterproductive to the DLC's other agenda, which is to attract Republican politicians and their supporters into the Democratic Party, which can only be done by moving the Democratic Party to the right of right-of-center.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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