A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

DADT Repeal Vote 'Too Close To Call'; Lady Gaga Hosts Rally In Maine

Monday, September 20, 2010

"DADT can be ended through executive orders.  Even if it were true that Republican obstructionism was holding anything up (Obama & Democrats don't need Republicans to pass anything), there are ways around Republicans, ways to move them, move Blue Dogs, but Obama doesn't do any of it."

DADT can be temporarily ended via executive order. It takes an act of Congress to permanently undo an act of Congress. Mind you, I am as frustrated by the foot dragging as anyone, but I do think pursuing it legislatively is the wiser course in the long run. Otherwise, the next time a conservative is in office he/she could simply reverse the executive order.

Which is why ending DADT should have been done by Obama with an executive order while Congress was working on ending it through legislation.  

There's no reason both can't happen simultaneously.  

There's no reason both can't happen while the Log Cabin lawsuit is making its way through the courts (it's taken 6 years to get to today's decision in federal court).

One of the many benefits of an executive order ending DADT is that its implementation begins to knock down the fallacies that exist about gay men and women serving in the military.  It gets people used to it.

It also refocuses attention where I think it always should have been:  The purpose of our military and our true state of preparedness.  

How is it that this nation that allegedly stands as a beacon for individual liberty and universal justice can justify separating any competent professional soldiers from service for their sexual orientation in this time of war?  

Do you remember this?: 

==According to the February 2005 GAO report, seven hundred fifty-seven (about 8 percent) of these separated servicemembers held critical occupations ("voice interceptor," "data processing technician," or "interpreter/translator"), as defined by the services. Also, 322 members (about 3 percent) had some skills in an important foreign language such as Arabic, Farsi, and Korean. Government Accountability Office, February 2005. http://www.gao.gov/htext/d05299.html ==

It makes this criminal:
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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