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Obama Demeans His Own Supporters

Monday, September 20, 2010

Being ideologically aligned with one party but joining another isn't that unusual.  Particularly for professional politicians (those in public office and those who work behind them, political operatives), who do it for any number of reasons.  

For some, they just want the office (government work is fantastic -- Why do you think they don't want to give it up?) and they don't care how they get it, or what l!es they have to tell to get it.  Of that group there are those who would have to knock off incumbents who have held the offices for decades, and that's d@mned near impossible; the longer you hold an office in this country, the more difficult it is to unseat you.  

And then for others who see going into the enemy's camp as a higher calling, to destroy it from within, move the center line of that party closer to whichever side the operative truly feels kinship with.  

This has been going on since political parties began.  It's how the pendulum has swung over the more than 200 years we've had party government.  Its how today's Democrats (DLC) are yesterday's Republicans and how tomorrow's Republicans (after the teabaggers crash and burn) will probably be compared to the liberal Democrats of the 1960s.  The Republican party of Lincoln would hardly recognize itself in the candidates and ideology of today's Republican party controlled by teabaggers.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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