A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama Demeans His Own Supporters

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I think you should go back and revisit, listen to, Candidate Obama's speeches, the debates, and interviews, with a now 'experienced'-ear.  Use the same ear that got developed from years of Bush-speak, of compound words and phrases that were crafted by high-priced and sophisticated pr0paganda artists (public relations firms and political operatives).  Better yet read his speeches, (transcripts of) the debates, the interviews.  You won't get so easily distracted by what is his very disarming style and charm.

I used to say that Obama is able to do what Bush required a team of speechwriters to do, but I've been informed lately that that apparently may not be true:

CHRIS MATTHEWS:  You know, sometimes, I really support the president in a lot of his views—in fact, all of them almost.  But I have to tell you, Michael, if he doesn‘t get rid of that teleprompter, it‘s like an eye test.  He‘s just reading words now.  It‘s separating him from us.  Your thoughts.  You go to a meeting with him, I‘m told.  Businessmen are invited to meet them at the White House, he hauls out the damn teleprompter.  And he reads it to them.  Well, why even bring people into the room, just have the teleprompter.  I sense it‘s getting between him and us.  And I thought the speech last night was a terrible, or a great example rather of him using the teleprompter instead of his heart and his mind.  He was reading words to us that any president could have written, had written for him and delivered.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38995281/ns/msnbc_tv-hardball_w ith_chris_ matthews/
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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