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Lisa Murkowski Write-In Bid Decision: Alaska Senator Announces Run [UPDATE]

Saturday, September 18, 2010

When people don't play by the rules or ethical intent (and those with the power don't enforce the rules or ethics), what happens?:

Ford pardoned Nixon at the urging of Cheney & Rumsfeld (Ford's Chiefs of Staff and Nixon administration alums).  

how Cheney & Rumsfeld isolated and controlled Ford - 

That pardon effectively set the table for an energy infrastructure dependent on foreign oil, Iran-contra, Reagan, Bush, R0ve, Cheney, Rumsfeld, 9/11, extreme climate change, environmental catastrophe, perpetual wars in the Middle East, a decimated middle class and third world nation status for the US. 

Clinton refused to investigate and prosecute Reagan-Bush (Iran-contra) and Congress buried the crimes before the full extent of the crimes (and the discovery of more crimes) could lead to having to impeach Reagan -

refusal continued the US on a course to squeeze every last cent from the poor & middle (and even the rich) classes, to make uber-rich even ubier.  

That refusal by Clinton & Congress enabled the same people from the Nixon administration, this time fronted by Bush the son and with Cheney as regent, to take a nation to war based on I!es, to commit war crimes, and to commit the greatest heist on the People in the history of civilization.  

Which that Congress then refused to prosecute, and which Obama and this Congress refuse to investigate (much less prosecute).  Instead, this president and Congress continue the same policies as the previous administration(s). 

What are We The People to do?

Is there any doubt that we will see them in power again, in our lifetime, tanned, rested, more effective and more dangerous than ever.   In some form or other, perhaps as another (Jeb) Bush-Cheney (Liz) ticket, or another DINO, another first: (Chelsea) Clinton-Obama (Sasha) ticket.  Hedge funds meet Bryant Park.
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