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Clinton: Working To Stay Healthy For His Grandchildren (VIDEO)

Friday, September 17, 2010

I've been writing about this since Whitman began running the ad, and this announcement (Clinton to California to campaign for Brown) was announced AFTER I wrote the need for him to do it again this morning.

That is what you mindless zombie Obamab0ts don't get, and how you work against your (and all of our) best interests with your unquestioning, lockstep loyalty to Obama & DLC Democrats.  

Obama warned you himself during the 2008 campaign that we couldn't trust him, that we would have to make him do it, but you still don't get it.

Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Party cares more about catering to Republicans and Republicans' voters than to those in his own party with whom he allegedly shares the same ideology.  He is not out there selling Democratic policies, just like he wasn't out there selling real healthcare reform, public option, Medicare For All.  What Obama & the DLC-controlled Democratic Party passed was a massive corporate giveaway, a REPUBLICAN-type of legislation.  Not one Democrat is running on it.  Not one ad has been produced.  It is that bad.

We'll see just how legitimate Clinton campaigning for Brown is.  It could be another bait & switch, like this farce playing out with Elizabeth Warren being named as a special assistant to Obama, with no real authority or power.  This has become the habit and practice of DLC politicians.  They are DINOs, & will keep working on behalf of Big Corporations, selling the People out, as long as Obama's 'most ardent supporters' continue to blindly follow & trust them.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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