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Obama: 'I Expect To Be Held Accountable' On Jobs

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pure twaddle.

Obama disappeared from the public discussion on healthcare reform, saying that it was Congress's job to write the legislation. All the while he & RahmEmanuel were undercutting the congressional committees writing that legislation, making secret deals with phRma, the AMA, hospitals and Big Insurance, to prevent any serious reform, any public option, any competition, from happening.

The only "step" is toward ending all public healthcare programs sooner rather than later through backended bankrupting. That's what Obama's deficit commission is about -- Just ask the chairmen, Erskine Bowles & Alan Simpson. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN1416473520100714

Obama's latest betrayal on the healthcare front: Hiring Liz Fowler, former WellPoint executive, to implement the healthcare law - http://www.huf fingtonpost.com/david-sirota/obama-hires-fmr-wellpoint_b_646874.html

Where's the Barack Obama who moved more people to vote for him than any previous time in our history with the power of his speech, an ability to persuade, on promises of change from what BushCheney&Republicans had done to us. In good old rac!st America, more people turned out to vote for a black Democrat than for any other candidate in the history of this nation.

No sooner had Obama been elected than he went into hiding, & then flip-flopped on just about every position he held during the campaign.

You're going to have to wake up & realize Obama & the DLC-controlled Democrats are no better than Republicans if the American people are to stand any chance at all.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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