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Obama: 'I Expect To Be Held Accountable' On Jobs

Friday, July 16, 2010

3rd - President Obama is going to be our nominee in '12.


3. Maybe. Maybe not. But if he is the nominee, a whole lot of people who voted for him in '08 are not going to be voting for him again. Obama knows that. He knew that going in. It's why he turned his back on the Democratic base even before he got into the WhiteHouse. It's why he's pandered to the right, delivering their policies into legislation (for all the good it's done him). He's been inauthentic, as a Democrat, as a politician, & as a person. And voters' belief in his authenticity is what got him elected with the greatest number of voters to turn out for an election ever. More people than ever in the history of this nation turned out to vote for a black man in good ol' rac!st America. They had the audacity to believe in him and hope for change.

When you think about what could have been, what he could have accomplished had he been what he promised: The one to lead the 'We are the ones we have been waiting for'-movement. It's sad, tragic really. And when you think about it some more, the anger sets in. At Obama. About the con job he did on voters.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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