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Gulf Oil Spill Stopped: BP Says Oil Leak Is HALTED (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Are you seriously doing what Bushies do?

This happened on Obama's watch, just as nine-eleven & the government's failure to respond in Hurricane Katrina happened on Bush's watch.

Obama's had a year and a half to shake out MMS and change regulations within the department, enforce inspections and oversight, and hasn't.

Obama had 18 months to clean up the known corruption & cronyism within MMS. He still hasn't done it. How does dividing it in two end the corruption? MMS is still staffed with oil industry insiders. Cronyism continues.

Obama has issued more permits and leased more parcels for drilling offshore than any other administration, as well as letting BP continue to operate unsafe, uninspected drilling operations in the Gulf & embarking on the riskiest operation yet in the arctic.

After the blowout and Obama allegedly froze the permit process, hundreds of permits have continued being given out. The spokeswoman for MMS insisted that there have been no new permits, then went silent when informed that permits have, indeed, been given out.

About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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