A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Interior Department IG Report: Regulators Accepted Oil-Company Gifts, Lunches, Sports Tickets

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Obama is part of the Washington culture of corruption.

He's been in office for 16 months, and has continued just about all of Bush's policies, and gone Bush and Cheney a few steps more in executive branch overreach, elimination of civil liberties like habeas corpus.

Obama has blocked all investigations and prosecutions into the Bush-Cheney administration.

It's not like he walked into the job not knowing that Bush and Cheney had planted Liberty University graduates in executive branch agencies. We all knew about it.

Obama and Democrats were put into power because they promised to clean up the mess. This particular mess falls right at Obama's feet.

The proof is that Obama has NOT shut down BP's other operations, like Atlantis, which is in worse shape than Deepwater Horizon. He's continued issuing permits to drill offshore.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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