A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Connecticut Senate: 2010 Election BREAKING News

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

There's another false assertion that you, along with career conservatives, make about soldiers having been hamstrung in Vietnam.

Let's say that was true (it isn't, but let's for the sake of argument say it is): Your beef then is with your cherished leaders, beginning with Nixon and Kissinger. The fact is, they damned near razed Southeast Asia to the ground, and had absolutely no difficulty Iying to the American people whenever they believed that what they were doing wouldn't get support. And that was just as true for when LBJ was running the show (I told you nobody is harder on Democrats than me).

The only notch left to be kicked up would have been nuclear weapons, which is what chickenhawk conservatives were lobbying for.
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