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Ralph Nader Says Obama Is A 'War Criminal' Who Has Been 'More Aggressive' Than George W. Bush (VIDEO)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

You presume that Nader voters would've voted for Gore (or voted at all) when studies and exit polling have indicated that's not the case.

Nader didn't do anything to Gore that Harry Browne, Pat Buchanan, Howard Phillips, et al (other party candidates) didn't also do, yet you don't hear them being blamed.  

Gore and Bush weren't owed other party's voters, and studies have shown that Nader pulled more votes from Bush than from Gore.

The fact is that Al Gore won.  Gore got more votes in Florida.  Any way it was counted (and the biggest point that people seem to forget is that there were 179,000 perfectly readable ballots that never got counted), Gore got more votes than Bush.
Whatever the means necessary to get BushCheney into the White House would've happened.  Had Nader been in the race, had he not in the race, whatever.  Had Nader not run, the outcome would've been the same.  The powers that be were not going to let Gore win, no matter what, and gamed it innumerable ways.  Jeb Bush's purging scheme.  CIA tampering with absentee ballots.  Have you really forgotten all of the different ways that Republicans gamed that election and the Democratic Party establishment sat by and let it happen?  Joe Lieberman, Gore's own running mate, hung them both out to dry when he went rogue and insisted that military ballots (that couldn't be certified as authentic, that didn't meet the requirements set by law about how military ballots are to be cast), military ballots that came in after the election, Lieberman insisted should be counted!

And then there was the Democratic Party's establishment, suppressing investigations, and screwing over the Congressional Black Caucus's attempts to expose that stolen election.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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