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Ralph Nader Says Obama Is A 'War Criminal' Who Has Been 'More Aggressive' Than George W. Bush (VIDEO)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I'm an old OLD liberal Democrat and the old "lesser of two eviIs" argument just doesn't work anymore.  
As the head of the Democratic Party, the spotlight falls on Obama.

Obama's continuing just about all of the Bush-Chene­y policies, even going BushCo one better:  How do any of Obama's 'most ardent supporters­' explain Obama's doctrine that presidents have the right to kiII American citizens with no due process, no oversight, and his push for 'indefinite preventive detentlon' and no transparen­cy of anything a president asserts should be his secret?   Pure Kafka.  As a Democrat, I don't know how any Democrat can get behind this, or Obama's stepping up every offense that we on the left accuse conservatives of (for example, caving to the dirty energy interests, shelving regulations on clean air, issuing more offshore drilling permits than Bush-Cheney, etc.).  The pandering that you accuse Romney of is also what Obama does.

At this point, I would argue that Obama and Democrats are worse than Republicans.  Bush-Chene­y-Republicans make no bones or excuses for what they've done and who they are, whereas Obama and Democrats ran on knowing better.  "Lesser of two evils"?  No, Obama's the more effective of the two evils.  More effective on behalf of the corporate elites.  

Obama has done nothing to engender my or the People's trust.  In secret budget talks, Obama left EVERYTHING on the table, including Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.   Just as Obama ran on SinglePaye­r, then backed down, then said he wouldn't sign any legislatio­n that didn't include a public option, and then reneged, in the weeks after the election he's going to be cutting another secret budget deal with Republican­s (he'll push SimpsonBowles, the 'CatfoodCommission's' report), just like the one he cut on the lousy health insurance legislatio­n and Bush's (now Obama's) tax cuts for the rich, that ends Great Society programs.  And then there's the KeystonePipeline - Obama already put the land-grab for the southern route on the fast track.

'In bed with corporations'-secret deals is Obama's mode.  It's how he operates.  HE'S A REPUBLICAN­-IN-DEMOCR­ATS'-CLOTHING.   Obama is not a man of the People; he's a tool of the Corporatio­ns.  

Why should Obama and Democrats do anything for Obama's 'most ardent supporters' if they know they've got you over a barrel, that you're going to vote for them no matter what, because you're terrified of Republicans?

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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