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Ralph Nader Says Obama Is A 'War Criminal' Who Has Been 'More Aggressive' Than George W. Bush (VIDEO)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I get it you dislike Gore more than Bush.


I get that you've never read my comments about BushCheney.

I think I probably dislike BushCheney more than Gore does.  And more than Obama and the Democratic Party establishment do.  I know I dislike BushCheney more than the Clintons do.

Why would I be happy with someone who wants to be put into a position of power over my life, who makes a pact with me ("give me your support and I will fight with my last breath to do a good job for you"), doesn't (Gore ran a campaign that was second only to Dukakis's in ineptness - Don't you remember the SNL debate skit, with Jon Lovitz as Gore saying after hearing the Bush character answer a debate question, "I can't believe I'm losing to this guy"), and then crawls off the edge of a cliff, retiring from public life, leaving me and the millions of others at the mercy of BushCheneyGOP?  

Do you realize that neither Gore nor the environmental lobby were at the Democratic Convention?  He/they weren't invited.  Obama has next to no interest in environmental issues -- We hear more about Clinton and Africa than about an issue that directly affects our lives and the future of civilization on the planet.  

There was a coup d'etat in 2000.  It was bloodless, to be sure, but it was a coup none the less.  And our future, of becoming a third world nation within the next 20 years, is sealed.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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