A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Vice President Joe Biden Tells 'Meet The Press' He's 'Comfortable' With Marriage Equality

Sunday, May 6, 2012

On just about every front, from feckless financial regulation­s that wouldn't have prevented (won't prevent another) economic meltdown and healthcare reform that does NOT provide what he and Democrats were put into office to attain (affordabl­e, quality medical treatment for everyone) to foreign policy and wars, Obama has continued Bush-Chene­y-Republic­an policies.  

Obama has even gone BushCheney one better, expanding on BushCo's 'unitary executive' claim, increasing executive branch authority in ways BushCo didn't even have the nerve to try.  Whether it's the gutting of FOIA or his latest which has gotten no coverage in the media (Miranda is another recent Obama victim), Obama's 'Katrina' (not getting MMS to regulate the oil industry before BP, et al., destroyed the Gulf Of Mexico and created a Extinction Level Event, etc.), continuing Bush's tax cuts for the rich, expanding the wars into Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, etc., new NAFTAs (S. Korea, CAFTA), it's hard to imagine a third BushChene­y term being any worse.

What you call "pragmatism" is actually lying.  From his bully pulpit, a president has the ability and responsibility to teach and lead, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  For someone who has advertised himself as a Constitutional scholar, Obama has demonstrated in his first term that his interpretation of the Constitution is a conservatives' one, despite what the rank-and-file dittoheads believe.  As the only thing we have to go on as a predictor of future behavior is past behavior, there is no reason to believe Obama supports, or ever will, gays marrying.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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