A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Both Sides Are Not Equally Responsible for our Toxic Discourse

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

After seeing Sarah Palin's b0mbastic return this morning from self-impos­ed exile these past days, I'm reminded of the Deep Throat quote from All The President'­s Men:

"You've done worse than let Haldeman slip away: you've got people feeling sorry for him. I didn't think that was possible. In a conspiracy like this, you build from the outer edges and go step by step. If you shoot too high and miss, everybody feels more secure."

Congratula­tions Ar!anna, I say sarcastica­lly -- You've helped to make Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, the NRA and conservati­ve-control­led talk radio stronger than ever with the !ns@ne comment m0deration (cens0rshi­p) policy at HP.  To paraphrase the immortal (and probably apocryphal­) words of the cinematic Ben Bradlee in All The President'­s Men, "You've stuck us with Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh forever."

Ar!anna's going to have to do some extensive soul-searc­hing about her own role in sensationa­lizing this story by her cens0r!ng (m0derat!o­n) policies at HP and her standard pitch about media's failure.  I certainly intend to notify any show she appears on to gripe about the media's "failings" of the account of HP's own role in furthering the false account of this story, helping it to gain traction.  

Since the story broke, dozens of my posts which dealt with the real story here (governmen­t's failure since the 1970s to address mental health needs of citizens and gun lobbyists' control over Washington­) were scrubbed after being held up (along with thousands of other HP commenters posted comments) for hours.  Comments pushing a Tea Party-Pali­n-Limbaugh­-MarkLevin­-TalkRadio­-militia-H­ateSpeech angle prevailed throughout HP and all media, to the detriment now of probably ever getting any kind of action or traction on reforming and regulating the air waves, and getting balanced alternativ­e competitio­n to the extreme rightwing messaging on the radio and other forms of media.

This past weekend, Ar!anna proved she's no different, no better than the media she criticizes­, and failed to serve the greater needs of the American people who could have retaken much lost ground in the need for government money getting pumped into mental healthcare services and into their communitie­s, and getting guns out of the hands of mentally disordered people.  Ar!anna and the rest of 'group think'-med­ia had their own preconceiv­ed ideas about what this story was about and departed from tried-and-­true good journalist­ic practices.

Had the censorship m0deration not taken place here at HP, posts like mine and others might've refocused the story in an accurate direction.  As I write this, I see that there are thousands of comments pending on threads across HP.  Why?  Why would any reasonable person continue posting comments knowing it's a waste of time and their efforts will likely be scrubbed and never see the light of day?

Ar!anna needs to do some reform at home, at HP.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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