A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Barack Obama Economic Speech: President Declares American Middle Class In Jeopardy, Outlines Populist Economic Vision (VIDEO)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Since we're all anonymous here and the only sure way to measure who knows what, what's factual and what's not, is by providing links that support the points and opinions we post, would you say that the former congressma­n Anthony Weiner knows how bills become law?

Let's Put The Public Option To A Vote:

The elephant in the room during the president’­s recent health care summit turned into the elephant that never got into the room. Despite a daylong back and forth about competitio­n, costs and choices, the public option was hardly mentioned.

Perhaps the biggest mystery in Washington right now is exactly what happened to the public option in the health care debate.

Maybe when President Barack Obama left the public option out of his final package, he signaled the end of this popular idea that he had repeatedly said he supported. But his press secretary said the reason the president excluded it was that he thought the Senate couldn’t find 51 votes.

So does that mean the Senate killed the public option?

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) said the public option had 55 votes in the Senate. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) himself said he supports the public option. And a letter insisting the public option be included in the Senate bill has gained more senators’ signatures every week (list of 51 Senate Democrats who support a public option).

Let’s not forget that the public option has already passed the House, as part of our health care bill last November.

We know that the American people didn’t bury the public option, because they are the ones who have resuscitat­ed this common-sen­se idea every time pundits and pols have left it for dead.

Public opinion polls bear this out. When the public option is described correctly as “like Medicare,” it is approved by more than 70 percent.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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