A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Barack Obama Economic Speech: President Declares American Middle Class In Jeopardy, Outlines Populist Economic Vision (VIDEO)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I would if they didn't all go back to something YOU said, before. Do you not realize you're doing this? If not, how presumptuo­us and arrogant of you. Look, man. Nobody has all the answers, but the ones we do have should be based on sound logic and evidence, which is missing in many of your posts because your "facts" simply link to comments YOU made in previous posts. It's kind of odd, really.


When I have linked to a previous post of mine, it's because it contains the argument and links to URLS that contain the facts to support the argument.

I do that for two reasons:

#1 - Because HP's filters won't let me repeat the post where I've already responded to whatever it is you're claiming,

#2 - I'm not about to spend the time rewriting the comment into a form where it'll get past the filter when all you have to do is either read the entire thread of comments and the replies in the first place or click on a link that'll give you the informatio­n you claim to want.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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