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Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process

Monday, October 25, 2010

Once the election is over, what Obama & the DLC-Democrats are going to do are things we'd be discussing (and objecting to) now, pre-election, if we had the chance, like more NAFTA-like treaties to outsource Americans' jobs:



Elevating the TeaParty to prominence has enabled Obama to water down legislation, make legislation Republican-like, & make it possible for Obama & the DLC-controlled Congress to both deliver to the corporations AND move the DemocraticParty even farther to the right in order to attract moderate Republican politicians & their supporters into the Democratic Party.

No matter what the outcome of this election, Obama will spin it as a mandate for continuing a pro-corporate, anti-populist agenda. Obama's already broadcast what he & Democrats are going to do if Democrats remain in the majority -- More caving by Obama & Democrats to Republicans:

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/10/13/oba­ma-new-yor­k-times_n_­760774.htm­l
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