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After the Midterms: Why Democrats Move to the Center, and Republicans Don't

Monday, October 25, 2010

Since the election (& even before, with his FISA vote), Obama's given us every reason to distrust & doubt him. He's been deceptive, breaking every campaign pledge, conceding the positions of the left (getting nothing in return), hobbling real Democrats at every turn while making Republicans & Blue Dogs stronger & harder to beat in 2010 & 2012.

Obama's 'most ardent supporters' are the most immediate problem. Obama's fans help him screw them (& us) over. They keep his personal numbers high. That enables Obama to blow them (& all Democratic voters) off. They do it out of ig.no.rance & their malleability -- They are the weakest links. They're the targets of sophisticated propaganda campaigns designed to keep them loyal in the face of all evidence to the contrary why they shouldn't be. They swallow the most preposterous talking points & excuses, parceled out by WhiteHouse & DemocraticParty operatives a little at a time. With each passing day, it becomes more difficult & frightening for them to entertain doubts about Obama. With their "In for a penny, in for a pound" thinking as justification, they fear facing the truth, not just looking like id-jits, but being without a hero president, another Bush, if they were to come into reality.

Until they wake up to these facts, they're their own & our worst enem!es, & the reason we don't get what we all thought we were voting for when we voted Obama & Democrats into office as the majority power in
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