Tea Party Survey Shows Small Groups 'Surprisingly' Unengaged In Political Process
Monday, October 25, 2010
We saw how Obama & DLC-Democrats in Congress used teabaggers to get out of any real healthcare reform. We saw how Obama & the DLC-controlled Democrats helped elevate the Tea Party to prominence. We all watched this play out through the 2009 summer debate over healthcare reform, as Obama disappeared from the public debate (especially onerous during the town halls when teabaggers came into prominence & disrupted any real discussion).
All last summer, as teabaggers brought gvns to the Town Halls, & members of Congress were canceling Town Halls, did Obama take charge, send out federal marshals to protect the democratic process? Did Obama gather both parties' leadership & take to the bully pulpit, did he hit the air waves, & say, "There will be gathering in the public square by American citizens to do what we do in America: Debate and discuss the issues facing us without threats of intimidation and brandishing of weapons!"?
About 2010 Elections
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