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Mitch McConnell: WikiLeaks Chief 'A High-Tech Terrorist' (VIDEO)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Apparently this:

My own sense is that we should err on the side of telling the truth, even when it’s inconvenie­nt or when it makes our lives—or the business of government­—more complicate­d. And that people who tell the truth should at the very least not be denigrated­. That’s something I learned when I was young, and that I tried to impart to my three boys when they were growing up. As Albert Einstein is reported to have said long ago, “The search for truth implies a duty. One must not conceal any part of what one has recognized to be true.”

And shouldn’t news organizati­ons be defending WikiLeaks and doing some soul-searc­hing of their own about why  they aren’t devoting more resources to the search for the truth? Why is it that the National Enquirer and Internet blogs sometimes seem better than they are at finding out what’s really going on?

When we’re mired in a political environmen­t where much of the public distrusts the federal government and despises both parties, maybe we should all reflect on what a former soldier, who put himself in harm’s way defending freedom, our way of life, and the Constituti­on—includi­ng the First Amendment—­asked me in a living room in Austin during a football game.

If we want to restore trust in our government­, maybe we can start by telling the truth, keeping fewer secrets, and respecting the privacy of average citizens a little more. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose. Take which you please; you can never have both."

About Wikileaks
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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