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Mitch McConnell: WikiLeaks Chief 'A High-Tech Terrorist' (VIDEO)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

More documents were classified and fewer were declassifi­ed in FY 2009 than in FY 2008.

Obama's administra­tion is less transparen­t than Bush's.


And this is what Obama did, when the judicial branch of the United States ordered Obama to release the photos (as Obama had pledged to do as a candidate in 2008):  

He used Joe Lieberman to slip into legislatio­n expanded powers for the Secretary of Defense to circumvent the Freedom Of Informatio­n Act and bury forever the photograph­ic evidence of the t0rture & abuse of uncharged, unconvicte­d, detainees in US custody.



Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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