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To Questions He Can't Answer, Bush Has A New Response: Buy My Book

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Bush tax cuts were created for the sole purpose of jumpstarting a recession that Bush claimed to have inherited from Clinton.  

For the record, Bush didn't inherit a recession from Clinton.   

The very day after the US Supreme Court decision that gave Bush the presidency, Cheney took to the air waves and started talking down the economy, suggesting (and actually dropping the word "recession" into his comments) we were embarking on a recession.  


Presidential administrations don't do that unless they are hoping it will spur one; the mere whisper of the word can be so powerful as to undermine consumer confidence which causes people to stop spending, which was Cheney's purpose for doing it.  

Cheney wanted to undermine confidence in order to drive the economy into a recession because the Bush administration needed a rationale for the tax cuts for the rich that they had promised during the campaign (instead of using the projected surplus from the Clinton administration for shoring up Social Security), or putting the money away for a 'rainy day' (like, should you find yourself in a war).  

From that day in December, 2008 and for each day thereafter, Bush & Cheney created an impression of a worsening economy until it actually became a reality.  They got into the White House on 1/20/01; economists have dated the beginning of the recession to 3/01:


Congress needs to come up with new legislation having NOTHING to do with the Bush legislation.  Let the Bush legislation d!e.  Let the Democratic­ally-contr­olled Senate come up with progressive tax cut legislation, for the poor (payroll deducations) and middle-classes, if there are to be any.  Let Republicans vote it down or prevent it getting to the floor.  Let them run on that in 2012.

This cross-cont­amination, of legislation, of one administration's policies to the next, is abzurd.  It's intended to confuse the American people, and as you can tell from the knee-j#rk j#rks' reactions to the fact that Bush & Cheney created a recession to jam through tax cuts for the rich, it works.
About George Bush
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