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Oil Spill Panel: White House Blocked Federal Scientists From Releasing Worst-Case Scenario For Gulf Disaster

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Why would you think you're going to hear anything after November 3rd?  If it doesn't get talked about when it's happening, it doesn't get talked about."

yeh really everyone knows Americans have the attention span of a fruit fly


It's not that Americans have any less of an attention span than other nationalities; it's that it's news when it happens.  The media covers events as they take place and the immediate reaction.  After that, the media's attention gets directed to what's news that day.

Today is when this news came to light, and if it's not dealt with now, if it's put off, you know what happens when it's brought up weeks/months/years down the line: "Oh that's old news, it's been talked about already."

I find it interesting that emmanuel goldstein says, "The Dems aren't going to say anything bad about this...too close to election time".

Why would the Democrats say anything bad about this at any time?  This is their bad.  You would think, however, that Republicans would be talking about this.  Republican politicians, not their voters online, but the Republicans running for office.  But they don't either because a Republican president wouldn't have even appointed a panel to investigate.  Obama's doing it, appointing a panel, was the politically expedient thing at the time -- A Democratic president couldn't avoid appointing such a panel, but he doesn't have to sweat it because he can bury the results the way he's done everything else since getting into office: By kicking the can down the road as long as he's able.   

If anyone ever wanted any proof that there's not a hair's lick of difference between Republicans and the DLC-controlled Democratic Party, that they both work for Big Oil and other transnatinal corporations, this is it.   

If anybody is going to a Republican or Democratic candidate's election event in the coming weeks, ask  how they feel about the White House's blocking NOAA's report.  This report was paid for with tax dollars.  It might make for some interesting television news that has more relevance to the election coverage that what we're getting now (all Christine O'Donnell & Sharon Angle, all the time -- No substance, just witchcraft and teabaggers).
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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