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Oil Spill Panel: White House Blocked Federal Scientists From Releasing Worst-Case Scenario For Gulf Disaster

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Obama doesn't get a pass on preventing this spill, just as Bush didn't get a pass on preventing 9/11.

Obama let BP happen. 

The problems with MMS and the potential for a disaster were long known.  Obama came into office after the MMS report came out, and he appointed Ken Salazar, a dude very cozy with Big Oil.

Obama & Salazar didn‘t do anything to change the problems that both knew about when they came into office. When they came into office, they already knew that the agency had experienced a s3x & drug scandal. They knew they agency had such a close relationship with Big Oil that the agency was holding golf & ski junkets paid for by Big Oil in exotic places around the world. They knew the agency, put together by Reagan's Secretary of the Interior James Watt in 1982, was dysfunctional. Nothing has changed since Watt created it, saying, "I‘m going to form this agency with my buddies from Wyoming."

Put Ken 'Cozy-With-Big-Oil' Salazar in as his Secretary of the Interior.   Salazar put 53 million offshore acres up for lease in the Gulf in his first year alone. An all time high. 
http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/17390/111965?RS_show_page=0 >
Salazar helped open up the Gulf for drilling, including the lease bloc that BP drilled, WHEN HE WAS A SENATOR. He's always been for drilling and Obama & Salazar went full speed ahead as soon as they got in office and then they pushed for more offshore drilling.

Do you know that Ken Salazar was a US Senator prior to becoming Obama's Secretary of the Interior? Do you know what his record was as senator? 

As a senator, Salazar voted to end protections that limit offshore oil drilling in Florida's Gulf Coast.
He also voted against increasing fuel-efficiency standards (CAFE) for cars and trucks, a vote that the League of Conservation Voters notes is anti-environment. In the same year, Salazar voted against an amendment to repeal tax breaks for ExxonMobil and other major petroleum companies.

Salazar was one of only a handful of Democrats to vote against a bill that would require the United States Army Corps of Engineers to consider global warming when planning water projects. 

Obama were legitimate, if he wasn't a corporate t00I, he would have fired Ken Salazar, an industry hack who had the audacity to say that we shouldn't end Exxon‘s subsidies in a year that Exxon was making $40 billion.

About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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