A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Oil Spill Panel: White House Blocked Federal Scientists From Releasing Worst-Case Scenario For Gulf Disaster

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Because you cannot have a healthy functioning democracy when the government is cherry-picking information it will allow the People to see.

We make decisions based on all information we have at our disposal.  We make decisions relating to a whole host of issues based on information like "worst case scenarios", like do we even want to drill offshore at all.  And if we do, what are our alternatives for food supplies?  And do we want to spend more resources on oversight and inspections, or continue to let oil companies police themselves (or even let BP into the game, given their record of lax standards and a "Go fug urself" attitude towards the US.  And perhaps the price we're actually paying for a few people to be stinkin' rich isn't really affording us a lifestyle that's making us happy at all.

You can't possibly be this complacent, lazy, about the governance of this nation.  A democratic republic doesn't mean you get to be blissfully ignorant and blindly trust others to keep you and your loved ones safe and well; you have a job to do in this democracy, too.  
About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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