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Vanity Fair's Sarah Palin Profiler: 'The Worst Stuff Isn't Even In There'

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ask yourself this:

To whose advantage is it for Sarah Palin to become the GOP nominee for the presidency in 2012?

The answer may help you understand why Obama and Rahm Emanuel went after her and Rush Limbaugh, neither of whom has any official role in the Republican Party, as soon as they got into the White House.

Obama and Emanuel didn't go after the actual Republican leadership (Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, nor even the titular head of the Republican Party, John McCain, as their presidential nominee in the last election). Obama and Rahm Emanuel haven't even gone after Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al. Obama's gone out of his way to PROTECT Bush, and block investigations and prosecutions of the Bush Administration.

Even after it's been reported that Karl R0ve and Jeb Bush are really the power behind the GOP, controlling the Republican Party's resurgence, Obama and Emanuel still make Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh the face of the enemy.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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