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Obama Gulf Coast Visit: President Arrives To Check Oil Spill Progress

Saturday, June 5, 2010

In practical terms, it's an argument about the marshaling of resources, the best & most efficient way to respond to a crisis. The kind of know-how & equipment & personnel necessary to have on hand for use in an event such as this (like the building of berms to protect the barrier islands) costs a fortune to purchase and maintain for a 'once in a lifetime'-event. That then becomes an expense and a job for the federal government because the feds have the know-how, the equipment and the personnel for responding to all kinds of disasters (tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, etc.) that affect the different states. Or did have, before Republicans have been steadily deregulating, privatizing government (and the DLC-controlled Democrats have been helping make their argument about government's incompetence).

Jindal's complaint is that he can't respond to his state's needs because of the restraints of federalization. Had Obama fulfilled the feds' part of the agreement and in a timely manner (crisis-mode), Jindal wouldn't have been able to make that argument.
About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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