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Obama Gulf Coast Visit: President Arrives To Check Oil Spill Progress

Saturday, June 5, 2010

No, that isn't what Bobby Jindal or conservatives mean when they talk about smaller government and states' rights.

Whether you agree with them or not (& I don't) the argument they make is to keep the money, government services (state government) & the responsibility for citizens well-being local.

Instead of citizens paying taxes to the federal government, citizens would pay taxes only locally (city, county, state), where citizens would have a much more direct experience of what the money is being used for. Republicans believe that as a result of citizens only paying local taxes, they would only have to pay for what they need, what directly affects & benefits them. They believe that this would result in their paying less, having more control, more say & more participation in their government, & be better able to direct resources to where they're needed.

That's one part of their argument.

The other part, why you're wrong about what Jindal is doing, is this:

That because this isn't how government operates now, there are policies and systems in place for how government (both federal & state, & local authorities) responds to an emergency like this. The procedures for the response to this catastrophe were laid out long ago & based on agreements between the federal & state & local agencies -- "You (state government) are being given X-amount of money to perform A, B & C in the event of a major oil spill, and We (the federal government) retain X-amount of
About Gulf Oil Spill
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