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Japan Tsunami Anniversary: 2 Years After Disaster, Cleanup Effort Still Slow

Monday, March 11, 2013

Children outside Fukushima in the cities tested have been constantly exposed to radiation for two years. The initial plume of radiation didn't just stay in the air over Fukushima - it traveled and it fell to the ground in other areas. Furthermore, contaminated food continues to be consumed all over Japan, tested only for two kinds of radioactive particles. Radioactive debris is being shipped all over Japan and incinerated, further contaminating the air in areas that should be kept clean for children of Fukushima to be evacuated to.

The only way this figure of 40% can be classified as "normal" is if you were to compare it with rates in children from OUTSIDE Japan, preferably in non-nuclear countries like Australia.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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