Joseph Losinski, 73, Sentenced To 9 And A Half Years After Pleading Guilty To Poisoning Dogs
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Yes, there is more of a history there (and what I've described may explain his extreme reactions), but let's put Losinski aside for the moment and talk about the attitude that so many seem to have in this country: "I'm going to do what I want to do, no matter how noisy or intrusive it is, and anybody that doesn't like it can svck it!'
Like people who take crying babies to movies and restaurants.
Or like your comment, about noisy children, and not being responsible for controlling the decibels your household is putting out and onto other people's property.
If parents don't teach children to respect others and control their behavior, they grow into citizens with a sense of entitlement, that they can do whatever they want irrespective of others' feelings, and be unyielding to reason. They become bullies, resorting to force and violence to settle conflicts.
Just think about it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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